Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Often Women Masterbate


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can I Still Get My Period If My Cervix Is High

GEEK ... ALWAYS better than working! 34

This time there is an anecdote, but instead just an aphorism that seems in line with the book. May you cherish.
"Choose a job you love and you never have to work a single day of your life." Confucius

Monday, March 14, 2011

Registro Do Pcdj Red V5.2 Build 1023


In an old post I pointed out that, in my humble opinion, the most patriotic of American superheroes could be Superman. Here are some other image in support of my thesis.

for images © DC Comics

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Dismantle A Car Alarm


I finally saw the first episode of the television series Spartacus, broadcast on Sky One. The impression I got was quite disappointing. The story is the classic one, but accompanied by a director, a photography and special effects that make it spectacular. The overall visual effect is much impact, but an end in itself. I mean, just the main character throws a punch at an opponent because a highly visible (too) splash of blood flying about ten feet away (what a circulatory system have?). Not to mention the fighting with swords, where the blood becomes an absurd tsunami. Also abundant sex scenes. Not that I mind, but seem totally useless at the end of the narrative, included only to tickle itching of the viewer. In short, a questionable use of sex and violence. But what gave me the most trouble was the definition given to the series, described as "comic"? Why? For the use of slow motion and freeze frame? Or plenty of blood and sex? The comic, at least the good one, is much more ...