as the impulse is transmitted
The discovery of a group of neuroscientists led by Francis McGlone British company Unilever, in collaboration with the Swedish University of Gothenburg and the University of North Carolina, USA.
Now neuroscientists have discovered what is behind the mysterious power of a caress, studying the nervous reactions of a group of volunteers, scientists have found the C-tactile nerves , a special group of nerve fibers placed on body parts that we used to swipe or give us pat and allow the brain to feel pleasure, full of affection and petting.
C fibers are in fact important, to mediate the emotional relationship between mother-child or partner, but also explain why we really like taking care of us, perhaps with a massage, or stretching the skin a moisturizing lotion after showering.
Researchers have touched the skin of the forearm of volunteers with different touch gradually speed and found the new group of nerve fibers, suggesting that these are activated only when it runs to touch the skin a speed as to be perceived as pleasant. The optimal speed of the strokes is 4-5 centimeters per second.
Very important dividing line between us and the world, the skin is covered with innervation of various types that allow the body to feel what is outside ourselves and to protect themselves from danger. Fundamental and much studied by neuroscientists, the fibers are receiving painful stimuli: it is thanks to them, for example, we know immediately retract his hand from a hot body burned. But there is only pain, even affection, tested on our skin, is crucial. not for nothing that already use our chimp cousins \u200b\u200b'fondling' together to 'cleanse' the hair. No coincidence that we are hours massage and affection of a mother for his newborn also depends on the stroking of the body.
Not only that, neuroscientists have found that the "eye of 'Mother Nature'," absolute respect for the rules Darwinian evolution, has ordered these fibers not on the whole body, but only on parts suitable to receive caresses : it is unthinkable that such fibers are tactile pleasure in the palm of the hand because this would lead to more 'distracted' and not be able to carry out its important tasks to grasp, move, move.
fibers tactile pleasure, therefore, are only where they are needed and where they do not create interference perceptual .
It is essential not only because the median of the affection which is heavy caresses, but also why you need to 'entice' the care of ourselves .
The discovery of these fibers in fact casts a fascinating light on why we spend so much time taking care of our bodies with massages, lotions and creams to be spread on the skin. Apart from the undoubted physical benefit, the truth is that we feel pleasure from this action.
(internet source) Thanks