Monday, January 17, 2011

What Is The Average Americans Bmi 2010


We are a nation of obese ... and 'what the statistics are confirming the increasing every year ... common explanation is the decrease in 'physical and in the increase in refined foods. Two in particular are responsible for: trans fats and fructose (mainly in the form of high-fructose corn syrup) ubiquitous in products such as sweet sweets and soft drinks ...

In one form or another, fructose is found in many foods, supplements protein bars and energy drinks.

Fructose and 'a monosaccharide, or a simple sugar content mainly in fruits and honey and also in many vegetables, and its glycemic index (23) and' lower than that of sucrose (57) and glucose (100) but with more sweetness.

small doses of fructose favors the absorption of glucose in the liver and the liver uses it to glycogen. In turn, glucose increases the absorption of fructose. It 'been proved recently that many people can not tolerate fructose in large amounts'. This leads to symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome, and then gas, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. Lactose intolerance produces some of the same symptoms and some people who say they can not tolerate lactose in reality 'does not tolerate fructose. High concentrations of fructose unatendenza have more than other sugars to be converted to triglycerides or fat and can increase glycation, and that 'the cross-link proteins and DNA molecules caused by sugar aldehydes (which are organic compounds in nature are produced in fermentation of sugars) which react with the amino acids in protein molecules and create the end products of glycosylation advanced. But then why 'fructose and' worst glycation agent? 'Cause it does not increase insulin. In other words, the insulin does not enter into muscle cells, and then wanders into the body causing metabolic damage. In the words of the expert power robert crayhon "fructose and 'the guest who does not want to go home when the party is' over." According to the allegations crayhon the average man should not eat more 'of 5-10 grams of fructose per day. For very active individuals taking maximum should be 20 grams of fructose (which equates to about 400 grams of apples, 50 g of honey). To control the levels of glycation just ask your doctor to measure the concentration of glycated hemoglobin in the blood. In England, a study has shown that this is one of the best measures for prevention, better than measuring cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index.

fruta The concept that eating vegetables and then you will 'fat and' clearly wrong.

Fruits and vegetables are good ... are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals and contain significant amounts 'of fiber slows absorption of sugars. Eating fruits and vegetables, you will receive all their nutrients without protective suffer the negative effects of fructose.

In conclusion I can not recommend that in a food program for muscular definition fantastic addition to the Paleolithic diet proposed by Loren Cordain, and therefore the exclusion of cereals and cereal products, legumes (including soy ), dairy products etc etc, my dear and preferred metabolic diet dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, as I noticed her on me and my students that more feedback in terms of "draft", perhaps in a more 'healthy (more' "paleo"), eliminating dairy products, butter, sliced \u200b\u200b(granted from time to time the topside turkey and dried beef) and meat too fat and canned. A palaeo-diet (while trying to '% of the recommended nutrients from the diet metabolic) but with a reduced fruit (not to satiety' as suggested by Cordain) during the period of metabolic adjustment (up to 30 grams of carbon, at least in the early stages) and with good doses in the charging coal mainly to compensate for acidic pH induced by the low quantity 'of alkalizing foods and make a nice load of vitamins and minerals neglected in the rigid phase of the diet ... miraccomando: watch out for hidden carbs ... try it!

Emily Caputo

Technical biio system

Monday, January 3, 2011

Disney Cruise Line Audition Process

The telescopic Myofascial Technique

The telescope is a very interesting technique that plays a very powerful action to rebalance the connective fascia and muscles.

presmesse The physiological implication of this technique in what is called osteopathic fascia, or connective tissue that covers the entire body subcutaneous, muscle and visceral.

The band is a sort of "dimensional changes" that surrounds and penetrates the body in depth without via both interruption. This is the most prevalent tissue in the body.


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Method and plantar fasciitis

to: Fabio Perissinotto

plantar fasciitis, as its name indicates, is an inflammation of connective tissue that covers the range that covers the plant of the foot and often calls into question the Achilles tendon. Mézières Method can be very helpful in resolving this issue, coupled with deep technical fibrolisi.

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