Monday, February 28, 2011

Whats The Diff Between 14kt And 14k

Popeye's right!

According to OK magazine, spinach, making it very strong. The iron does not matter, as in spinach is not present in large quantities. Instead, the nitrates to make them stronger. Just a small amount of these substances, the researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, to improve the efficiency of the muscles.
Returning to Popeye, Segar at the time of character creation needs an explanation "logic" to the power of Popeye and since the doctors are touting the beneficial properties of spinach, The author immediately takes possession. The idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening the force of spinach as Popeye is a source of pleasant surprises as well as minor inconveniences. With the explosion of popularity of the character, in the early thirties, children who previously were not fond of spinach instead begin to clamor for. From 1931 to 1936 the industry recorded an increase in spinach consumption by 33%. The producers decided to thank the author and character, and March 26, 1937, erect a statue of Popeye in Crystal City, Texas, the capital of the spinach. The disadvantages should be noted that since initially Popeye opens the boxes of those plants with teeth, children want to imitate, thus forcing him to take his hands. In addition, growers of spinach, filled with gratitude for a long time to send gift boxes Segar family of the plant, so many that it is impossible to consume, Segar forcing them to give her time to the whole neighborhood.

for image © King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Movedata From Tally7.2 To Tally9

February 27 February 26

"February 27. Only twenty-two days, we divide the spring. I swear that on March 21 I will remove my pants and winter, whatever the weather, there was also a snowstorm, I'll go for a walk in the Jackson Park hatless and without gloves. "

from "Dangling Man" by Saul Bellow, the 1944

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feet Sore When Ice Skating

"'We already in the Gulf, 'said one of my teammates when I got up for breakfast, February 26. The day before I had a little 'fear of the weather in the Gulf of Mexico. But the destroyer, although it moved a little, slipped away gently. I thought all glad that my fears were unfounded and I went up on deck. The outline of the coast had disappeared. Only the blue sky and green sea stretched around us. "

from" Tale of a survivor "by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the 1955

Spray Paint Bicycle Forks


I'm a big fan of the artist Gil Kane, I then came a sciopone (scientific term used in the Lombardy-Veneto) when I saw the picture of this post. A series I did not know. In fact I did not know because it has never been realized. He should be called "Zero-Man" and get out in the eighties for DC Comics. The story imagined a dystopian future, as you can imagine from the image. The project (with lyrics by Len Wein), however, was shelved. Too bad ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Is Lewis Structure For Clf2

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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mumble mumble ... 23: COMICS ON THE RIGHT OR LEFT?

Some time ago, the network has hosted numerous interventions on the alleged membership of Corto Maltese the right, even suggesting an affinity with fascism. The argument, in fact, I do not care at all, because it seems silly (other, more titles than me, as revealed in the stories of Corto were scattered antifascist details). More interesting, in my opinion, of course, I think the general discourse on the political militancy of characters and authors. Almost always, when you define a cartoon character right or left, raise the shields of authors and publishers, ready to label him as "apolitical." An attitude which I think is mostly due to two factors. First, the comic book in Italy is still below takes the burden of being a medium for children (and then keep out of politics). Second, there is always fear, "positioned" the character to lose readers. That is, declaring that the character Pinco Pallino is left, you will lose the right players, saying that's right you will lose those on the left. I truly believe that this kind of attitude reveals a lack of consideration of the intelligence of readers and poor political maturity of the country, that in fact in recent years has seen many politicians rail against opponents labeling them as absolute evil, rather than as bearers of values \u200b\u200bother than their own. Personally, although the left I have no problem with reading comics characters as protagonists ideally right, as I have no problems reading novels or viewing movies carrying different values \u200b\u200bfrom mine. After reading I can not agree on their vision of the world or specific facts, but not "close the door" before they "looked at what's in the room. "I think one of the cardinal principles of democracy, freedom of opinion and the comparison between them. Of course I exclude from this discussion of extremism and violence: if the author professes the extermination of the Jews throw in the garbage bin of its opera (comic book, novel, or movie that is), but these cases are "borderline." However, what seems normal to me, even as I prefer the richness diversity of opinion, continues to be viewed with suspicion from the world of 'publishing. I lived a couple of examples in person. A few years ago working for a major publisher in the project of a collection dedicated to Tex, he suggested an intervention by Sergio Cofferati (who publicly had repeatedly said to love the character), but the editor in question is the choice of "dangerous" too left. In more recent times I thought to involve Michela Brambilla (known animal) in a publication linked to the animals but also in this case, the political affiliation has proved an obstacle. In short, it seems that many comics do not have broad enough shoulders to carry the weight of politics. Given the poor quality of Italian politics these days, however, believe that the contribution of some input from the world of comics could bring a breath of fresh air and civilization. Because, remember, comics are not always "things for children."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Dorm To Stay At At Ut

RETURN THE comic book?

immediately answer the question of the title with a "no". Unfortunately in Italy have almost disappeared and the rest of the world do not fare very well, but sometimes there is some good news, as the revival of "Dark Horse Presents", the U.S. Dark Horse container that announces the imminent reincarnation ( two had already left in his various roles over the years). As usual host comic books, or self-contained episodes, each linked to its authors and (good) team.

Dog Pain When Yawning


For goers twitter, remember that a few months importunate readers in that forum. In addition to personal trifles, even twitt microrecensioni and every day (I am me imposed as a mental exercise) add a micro-stories in six words. I feel like davidcastel.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gay In A Public Toilet


When I get time I will proceed to do a thorough search, but already now clear to me that Berlusconi is one of the politicians who have most attracted the attention of cartoonists and comic artists. Numerous, in fact, are her appearances as designed. Obviously, and rightly so, is targeted by cartoonists, which continuously provides new insights. Vauro, Makkox Company and have highlighted the physical and psychological defects.
Berlusca But the character has become, at times even the protagonist of comic books. Marcello Toninelli the dedicated "Berlustory" (subtitled, "a comic book biography of the knight"), Matthew Prince has told the children not in manga style in "That dream of long ago ...." Stefano massacred in the drawings boards episodic. Do not miss the underground version, like that of Hurricane Ivan.
Knight also became the shoulder of celebrities, as Cattivik. The well-known character of the houses in the Silver Bonvi story titled "The predator cucuzzaro damn" where not mentioned his name but the similarity is obvious. The veiled allusion becomes clear in the subsequent "Cattivik against Berlusconi" in 1992 and "Cattivik against the great sympathetic" in 1994. Even
Cipputi, worker signed Altan, the "hosts" from the mid nineties, when takes the field in Italian politics. Cipputi Berlusca immediately understands that he is ready to shove an umbrella in the usual place under the motto "let me".
Probably, since the narcissism that pervades it, Berlusconi is happy with a lot of attention. We just have to wait a comic focusing hard on his adventures with the granddaughter of Mubarak.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Leg Numbness After Hitting My Head

February 19

"February 19, midnight.
What a sad day to today, my poor Monsieur Armand! Marguerite stifling morning, the doctor did a blood-letting, and is back in a faint voice. The doctor advised her to send for a priest. She said yes, and went himself to seek the abbot of the church of Saint-Roch. Meanwhile
Marguerite called me at his bedside, asked me to open the closet, then showed me a cap, a long shirt all covered with lace, and he said in a voice feeble:
'I'll die after I confessed, Vestima so with these objects: it is a flirtation from dying '. "

from" The Lady of the Camellias "by Alexandre Dumas fils, 1848

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dibetes Educator Certification


telephone calls received by Customs. "Hi, there is a package for you from Japan. Tell me what's in it? ".
answer calmly. "I do not know, do not expect anything. Can you tell me who is the sender? ". The official
diligent, "Kodansha.
"Ah. It is a publisher. It is probably a book. "
" should tell me for sure if it is a book and its value. "
" I really do not know. Do not expect anything, maybe it's a free sample. "
" I can call to ask what that is? "
begin in a cold sweat," really is the publisher Kodansha more largest in Asia, who I call? "
The bureaucrat does not give up:" But I gotta know the value ... "
" Do so, open the package and see what's inside. "
" No, I'm not allowed to open the parcel. "
" permission that I am the recipient. "
" Sorry, can not be done. "
From my head to start out small clouds of smoke. I decide to improvise, invent words: "Ah, now I remember, is a book cover price of 1,000 yen, about ten euro."
The customs officer satisfied: "well, I'll send you right away."
All true, I swear.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Enter Cheats On Gpsphone


I finally had to start a new blog devoted to science fiction and in particular the ray gun. Space also provided to comics. Who wants to make us jump at

Monday, February 14, 2011

Vespa For Sale Singapore


Bianconi has been, for at least twenty years, one of the most important and prolific publishers of Italian comics for boys. Grandma Abelard, Geppo, Mites, Popeye, Puppy, Provolino, Vulpecula, Bongo, Pinocchio are just a few of the many characters that appeared on his head. An immense wealth that threatens to go forgotten, especially by younger generations who have never read stories. Working on writing some files of the Collection "Comics in 3D" in the Hobby & Work, I have read and reread many of his books and I came across the very rich book "The Valley of the comics (Publisher The Stylus), which collects cards character, author interviews and many pictures. I think it is the only essay that attempts to sketch a picture of that production, and fix it on paper before its characters have disappeared. I advise everyone to read and I hope that others in the field will be published.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Haircut Coupons Plano Tx


I am particularly happy when I come across something I do not know but I like it, or I can be helpful. This is the case of these card of the series "Famous Comic Book Creators". A comic book has found an uncut box (36 packs with 12 cards each) in storage and put it on sale. They are the 1992, the Eclipse (American publisher failed for several years) and have the particularity of not being dedicated to comic book characters, but to the authors (U.S. only, with the exception of Moebius). I bought the whole box, hoping to put together the entire collection (110 cards, of which 109 are dedicated to authors and one for the checklist). Each card has a picture of a hand, the author and, secondly, a small picture, biography and major works. In short, it's like having a small book devoted to the comic strip star. Among the authors I quote a few at random: Eisner, Kirby, Aragones, Perez, Caniff, McFarlane, and so on. Among other things I could (as happy as a child) to put together two complete collections. If someone wants to buy a second (15 € in total), can write for info to

Difference Between Bugs Bunny And Roger Rabbit

February 13

"Saturday, February 13. I have met along the river that girl June m'aveva informed and as I was waiting outside the house closed ... I have spoken. While I walked, I considered a glimpse of the subtle defects of his face: a little wrinkle at the corner of the lips, cheeks a bit 'limp, a bit' of powder accumulated on wings of the nose. Hath been suddenly turned and, looking straight in the face, perhaps because it is the most beautiful face in profile, with a firm voice said to me: 'I really enjoy her. It reminds me of a young man who once, in Bourges, I was courting. It was indeed my boyfriend ... '"

From" The Grand Meaulnes "by Alain-Fournier, 1913,

Friday, February 11, 2011

Free Fireplace Blueprint


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Arcade Alley Electronics Owners Manual

Music Therapy, designed as a method of intervention for an educational or psychological, can communicate with the help of the therapist, through a code word alternative than starting from principle of 'ISO (individual sound identity), which uses sound, music, movement to open channels of communication and a window into the inner world of the individual. From the therapeutic point of view it becomes active multi-sensory stimulation, relational, emotional and cognitive, which is used in various problems such as prevention, rehabilitation and support in order to obtain greater integration on intrapersonal and interpersonal level, better mental and physical balance and harmony.


In all cultures, ancient music and medicine were virtually the same thing. The priest, doctor (shaman) knew that the world is constituted in accordance with principles of music, the life of the cosmos, but also that of man, is dominated by the rhythm and harmony. He knew that music has an incantatory power of the irrational part, which procures and Wellness in cases of disease can restore the lost harmony.


For the development of mental health and wellbeing, creative activities are the key to the achievement of a psychic. Through them we can aim the evolution of the human being as a whole and to bring all the capabilities potenziali.Attività like singing, playing, dancing, are directly creative, being The music is a mental discipline that requires order, attention and concentration, but allows the demonstration of its expression.


Music Therapy is based three principles: ISO, which characterizes the identity of an individual sound ; sound as an intermediary object, as a communication tool that is able to act therapeutically on the patient and sound as embedded objects, able to integrate the dynamics of communication in a uniform group.


The music moves us because already we are moving in a musical way, each with its own rhythm, harmony and variety of gestures modulated intensity, weight and resonance can be expressed through the way we walk, talk or dance, and so on. Our actions are linked in sequences that can be interpreted as scores with their stories and songs and this is the wonderful diversity that unites us, our musicality. This brings us to the natural link between physical and emotional health and musicality, then, our movements, and of our lives.

Musicality visible, tangible and audible of our behavior is an encouragement for communication. Music therapy is a modality of approach to the person using the music or sound as a tool for non-verbal communication, to intervene in education, rehabilitation or treatment in a variety of pathological conditions or paraphysiological.

The World Federation of Music Therapy (World Federation of Music Therapy) in 1996 has given the following definition for "Music therapy is the use of music and / or musical elements (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) by a music therapist qualified, with a user or group, in a process act to facilitate and promote communication, relationship, learning, motor activity, expression, organization and other relevant therapeutic objectives in order to meet the physical needs, emotional, mental, social and cognitive. Music therapy aims to develop the potential functions and / or residual of the individual so that they can better achieve integration and inter-and intra-sequentially can improve the quality of life through a process preventive, rehabilitative or therapeutic purposes. "
