Sunday, May 16, 2010

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trochanteric intake: the help of Mézières Method

The trochanteric or trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the tendons and the bag adjacent to the greater trochanter, a bony prominence located outside of the femur, just below the hip.

It is characterized by pain at the side of the area indicated (see figure), standing out clearly from the hip joint pain that is localized mainly in the groin instead.

affects mainly the female and the cause has not been completely clarified. In athletes may certainly contribute to the small trauma of repeated flexion-extension of the hip. Even a excessive muscle tension TFL , placed on the greater trochanter and straddling the bag serosa, may be involved in bringing mechanical irritation on the spot.

L to normal therapy is represented primarily by rest , associated with anti-inflammatory and cryotherapy (ice). If you do not get long-lasting remission of the disorder can be used to treat and possibly cortisone infiltrative physical therapy as a local shock waves.

It 'll work is not clear, however, that physiologically linked to abnormal stresses in the joint hip joint and adjacent ones, is the primary cause that led to the trochanteric, it is shown to imprint a chinestiterapia postural balance using the method Mézières. This approach allows you to limit the use of drugs, not to resort to physical therapy, often ineffective, and solve the problem successfully.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy and Mézières Method

Mézières The method is also aid in carpal tunnel syndrome. N on it only works on the wrist, but on the muscle-fascial chain that part of the whole arm from the shoulder and does come into play the muscles of the shoulder, chest and even those breathing. It is thus at the root of the problem, not just treating the symptom.

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common neuropathy and is due to compression of the median nerve at the wrist in its passage through the carpal tunnel.

The incidence of the syndrome Carpal Tunnel is about three times higher in women aged between 50 and 60 years, and varies according to place of work.

Usually without treatment or change of employment, the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome tends to worsen over the years. However, in some patients remains stable over time.

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) may be conservative or surgical. According to the American Academy of Neurology (AAN, 1993), conservative treatment is if there are not groped deficiency of strength or sensation or severe abnormalities examined EMG / ENG

The use of drugs and / or physical therapy has proven instrumental not conclusive because it can have significant side effects and in any case we do not act on the cause of the problem.

The results obtained with the Mézières are often important, with a reduction / remission of pain within a few sessions and return to daily activities and work. personally endorse the practice Mézières successfully massage myofascial deep enhancing the therapeutic effect.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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ankle sprain: an integrated approach to osteopathy + Mézières method for a total cure

It 's a major trauma but strongly underestimated.
Who makes sport and want to move back now tend to pay more attention, but does not always know what to do.
The risk of recurrence becomes so high, both in athletes than in sedentary people.
E ' implement good immediately RICE protocol:
- R = rest, do not walk on the distortion;
- I = ice, or ice. To be applied immediately and repeatedly for 15 min. in the first 24 hours;
- C = compress the ankle with a bandage or elastic
- E = elevation, or keep the leg up.

As soon as the ankle tends to deflate you opt for an osteopathic treatment can rebalance the joint games of the foot, fibula, leg and pelvis. This phase is essential, if in fact there are still imbalances and joint blocks is easy to meet adattementi relapse or non-functional, based on the principle of "muscle-fascial chains" to link areas of the body too distant connection between them.
Later Mézières intervention will be highly suitable. U na distortion in fact, as seen, implements trauma chain that will produce an imbalance of the postural system, causing many problems if not properly harmonized.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Syndrome patellar hyper-pressure ( patellar squinting): effectiveness of the method and Dance

Mézières The method can be of great help.

It 'important to emphasize that orthopedists are also this opinion, as reviewed in site that arises in the web as a reference date in orthopedics.
In particular, once it is established that is not in the presence of a malformation of the patella, the trochlea or even a torn ligament, in which cases surgery may be indicated, the operation, especially in arthroscopy seems to have little meaning.
The treatment of physical therapy with muscle strengthening vastus medialis, generally recommended practice, according to orthopedic is insufficient and in some cases may aggravate the situation, to the opposite of Mézières method which presents itself as an elective instead in the treatment of patellar symptoms of strabismus.
This argument goes to to vvalorare my experience as a therapist and opens a new and updated interpretation the problem in a way that allows it to operate more effectively than what has been done to date.