Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nyc Diriver's License Temp. Visitor Expire

Level 1
Osho Neo Reiki - Method Vessella
Saturday, October 9 13:30
Sunday, October 10 8:30
Reiki is an ancient Tibetan healing method that dates back to around 2500 years ago. It was a healing technique known to the priests, gurus, shamans who jealously guarded the secret, so jealous that eventually it sank into oblivion, until Dr. Usui in 1800, taught in a small Christian university in Kyoto, Japan , found the key to activating the reiki, hidden in ancient Sanskrit writings dating back precisely to 2500 years ago.

what Reiki is, very succinctly:
  • Self-treatment - it's like to have a first aid box always at mano.Ad example if you have a stomach ache or headache, there is much helped put their hands or even disappear dolore.In hear the case of wounds to heal quickly
  • skin treatment to other people: Trat. Fast and Trat. Full
  • treatment to animals
  • Treatment of medicines, food, water, etc. ... to clean from toxic side effects

Course Reiki Method and Vessella
Which link?
Based on his thirty years of experience, not only in the field of manipulation, but also in the trial of Energy, Joseph Vessella has occurred, that if there is an energy block of a certain size (blocks with physical and / or emotional) Reiki alone is not sufficient to resolve the problem. We need to work in synergy with the techniques aimed at "cleansing" the body and then use Reiki, and that is what takes place in seminars at the Centre REIKI Vessella.

Energy Techniques lead us to rediscover the "body language" needed to make contact, rather than with the energy that surrounds us, to become aware of our energy.
techniques are even more effective if the person is "immersed" in the exercises, rather than making it a workout, that is to say let go of any natural movement and emotion that surface, because "Body and mind are not separate"

After the course is 1 st or 2 nd Level, you get a chance every month to participate in a field with energy techniques, manipulation, Reiki, to share and experience the "language" of energy.
Reiki, integrated with the handling, and energy techniques, ensures the highest levels of healing, unless you do not need surgery.

In light of this, Reiki treatments integrated with the techniques and manipulations carried out according to the method GIUSEPPE Vessella, represent a new face in personal healing to 360 ° Man.

Link for more more:
Reiki explained by Albert Einstein
Reiki in Italian hospitals
are dispozione for information.


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