Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marine Corp Wrestling Singlet

Mézières Mézières method and psycho-physical relationship

body work is work on the psyche. This equation, though still little regarded in some medical circles, is now widely accepted because of the experience therapeutic doctors, psychologists and rehabilitation, supported and confirmed by a growing number of scientific studies on the subject.
Working with Mézières method and osteopathy is not uncommon for the therapist to be in front of emotional states which show a deep involvement in the psychic connection with myofascial stretching, postures and manipulations.
Psychologist W. Reich and the California School of Big Sur were among the first to show how attitudes, postures and proper "armor" muscle, crystallized as the experience of the patient and, consequently, working on the body could access this lived out in a more effective than oral therapy alone. For
therapist Mézières method is certainly interesting to go into that because the solution of functional and postural problems, many times, involves a significant psychological aspect.


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