Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Merry Christmas tuttiiiiiiiii

Sunday, December 6, 2009

When Should I Wax My Legs After Shower

Intestinal Parasites? Trouble shared ... ... Kundalini


"It is just what you are looking
and seeks only what you know!"
(Dr. Emma Castagnari)

They are called "parasites" beings who live at the expense of another organism of a species different from theirs. There are parasites that can live independently of the host institution (this option) and others, however, depend entirely by their host for their survival. They differ in ectoparasites that live on your skin (fleas, lice, ticks, mites, etc.). And endoparasites, which live inside the body (protozoal, worms, etc.)..
worms and protozoa are considered to intestinal parasites and are often very damaging to the host, though not all are carriers of disease, and sometimes even the body may remain without visible damage, although competing with human cells to grab the nutrients and emit toxic waste that can be poured into the blood intoxicated. In some cases they migrate from the intestine to other organs colonized by reducing or annihilating vitality.
If these organizations choose to settle in parts of the human body, it is because the cells, tissues, and then the department concerned has been previously POLLUTED and stress, has lost strength, vitality, immunity. E 'stressed, inflamed (liquids have a pH of the soil local gaming and altered immune) and then the body is unable to capture the microscopic invaders.

MOST 'COMMON intestinal parasites and some practical cases

We not appropriate at this home penetrate deep in the classification of the many pests that can lurk in all of us, because we would end up unnecessarily frighten readers. E ', however, useful to know that many parasites are very common in Italy and not, as many wrongly think, a problem limited to developing countries.
trips more frequent in countries at risk without taking appropriate precautions are helping to increase the infestation also against those parasites usually rare in our country. Here are some examples of how you can infest:


PROTOZOA Protozoa are the most important:
's Ameba
the Giardia
the Toxoplasma
- The Amoeba and Giardia are transmitted leading to the mouth on their hands or eating raw or undercooked or contaminated water: the problem as much as 10% of the world .
-L 'Amoeba reproduces in the gut and you can simply stay parasitize the host without serious consequences or invading the intestinal walls, causing ulceration and going to other organs including the liver, lungs and brain. The Giardia
-spread high in the intestine, ie duodenum and first part of the small intestine, where it creates a "film" on the intestinal wall which prevents the absorption of sugars and fats also cause or worsen allergy problems.
-Toxoplasma causes toxoplasmosis, a serious disease to the fetus if the mother becomes infected during pregnancy. We become infected by ingesting food contaminated with cat feces or by eating raw or undercooked meat.

vermin infestation

The Worms or Helminths can take many forms: they can be visible to the naked eye even as thin as a hair-lines, or thick and round like roundworms, or flat and long as tapeworms, but sometimes they are microscopic such as Trichinella.
The Worms are basically two ways of behaving:

1. the eggs require a intermediate host before reaching humans (fish, shellfish, horses, cattle, poultry, rabbits, pigs, etc.).
The most common parasites in this category are:

- The tapeworms (you can get by eating raw meat pork and beef).
- The Collate hepatica (you can take eating some raw vegetables including watercress). The
Diphylobothrium -latum (you can catch perch eating undercooked meat or raw).
- L ' Anisakis (you can get by eating raw fish and is increasing in Italy with trendy Japanese cuisine where you eat sushi and sashimi).
-L ' Opisthorchis felineus (you can get by eating the flesh of carp and tench raw or undercooked from the Baltic region and Siberia).
- The Clonorchis Sinensis (you can get by eating meat of salmon, carp and tench from the Far East, as long as you are not thoroughly cooked).
- The Paragonimus (you can catch crabs and shrimp eating raw or undercooked in all tropical countries).
- L 'Echinococcus granulosus (you can get by eating raw vegetables gathered by running around a garden where a dog that was in turn fed with raw meat).
- The Trichinella spiralis (you can take eating raw meat of pork, wild boar or horse or other animal fed itself with such meat).
2. The eggs of the parasite do not require an intermediate host before reaching the man by whom infest directly.
The most common parasites in this category are:
- L ' Ascaris (Ascaris lumbricoides, which you can catch by touching the damp soil contaminated with parasite eggs. It' s a very dangerous parasite, because starting from the intestines can reach pierce entering the venous bloodstream to reach the lung and the stomach to return later in the gut.
According to epidemiologist Dr. Lawrence Bracco many lung allergic reactions and asthma are triggered by steps in the right dell'Ascaride larva in the lungs. Moreover, these larvae produce neurotoxins that cause insomnia, cramps ..... Other parasites are extremely common
pinworms, which again can be taken by touching with dirty hands or not well washed, food or utensils or drinking glasses. Pinworm infestations are fairly common in communities where there are infected each other and cause insomnia and irritability, especially in children and in severe cases nervous disorders, dizziness and convulsions.
We worry about intestinal parasites?
Rather than worry about we should be aware of the issue of intestinal parasites, because they can be responsible for many illnesses attributable to other causes.

HOW CAN WE KNOW IF WE intestinal parasites

Sometimes we realize that we have observing our stool parasites, and find that the tapeworm, or a result of the persistence of some symptoms "rather strange" (ie prolonged insomnia, hands always sweaty, rectal itching especially at night, dizziness, enough to eat and never feel right, unexplained pallor, sunken eyes and dark even when resting .....), illuminated when a doctor advises us to conduct an examination to check for intestinal parasites. The parasitic diagnosis is done today mainly through the analysis feces, where the eggs are retrieved, but it would also be possible, even advisable, to make the diagnosis by serological blood testing, although there are few laboratories that perform.
Ask for advice from your doctor, or better still inquire whether there is a doctor in your area with expertise in parasitology. Ask your nearest hospital, you probably know better target. Last resort, contact the Institute of Infectious Diseases Clinic of Pavia in Italy the best.


All the parasites, without distinction, subtract resources agency it is hosted. Of course, when they are located in the gut causing intestinal disorders such as colitis, diarrhea or constipation. Moreover, often emit neurotoxins that trigger secondary reactions not be underestimated: among them the persistent cough, the onset or worsening of allergies, asthma, eczema.
In some cases, the seizures are due to impurities that intestinal parasites into blood: this also applies to seizures of dogs. Currently there are several children and adults infected by roundworms. In children, the phenomenon occurs with pale face, with deep eyes and grit my teeth at night. Of course, when the parasite comes to inhabit a body (lungs, pancreas, brain) damage could be very serious and sometimes fatal.


Besides taking care of their hygiene and scrupulous in their family will remember to avoid the classic risk behaviors already mentioned above (meat or raw fish, raw vegetables or water in countries at risk , etc.). But to avoid the parasites in a stable manner is also necessary to follow a healthy diet, which must be reduced by up to three meals a week, the products that create rot (dairy, eggs, chicken, fish, meats, sausages, meat red, etc.). and increase the use of vegetables and fresh fruit followed by some corn. The poultry preferable to red meat and goat and sheep cheeses are better than cows.
Remember that the parasites are composed of proteins that the body is usually able to digest, so a good digestion with adequate production of hydrochloric acid and proteolytic enzymes can eliminate most of the parasites ingested through the mouth.
Finally do not forget that a good intestinal peristalsis (contractions that are responsible for advancing the intestinal contents to the rectum) make life difficult for the parasites, many of which are expelled through regular and abundant defecation. So a healthy balanced diet, rich in fiber derived from fruits and vegetables, reduces the risk of pest infestations.

flourish are the following symptoms: allergies
  • anemia
  • swelling
  • chronic fatigue
  • frequent constipation
  • reduced efficiency of the immune system
  • frequent diarrhea
  • recurrent eczema
  • lymph nodes expanded access without
  • appetite satiety
  • teeth grinding during sleep (bruxism)
  • nervousness without cause jaundice
  • recurring pain in muscles and joints, sleep disorders
  • unjustified changes body weight
  • granulomas
  • chronic pain without other causes

remedies can be basically of three types: Pharmaceutical, homeopathic and "tradition". In the case of parasites of a family member specific treatment disinfectant throughout the household, including dogs!
REMEDIES PHARMACEUTICALS (to be evaluated individually and consult a doctor!)
To combat the pest is first and foremost need to clean the intestines with a purge.
Fuca The beans are one of the more tolerated for adults will try two pills and you do not get the desired effect if they take three.
Children Euchessina better.
for medical treatment, consult a medical expert, PLEASE DO NOT DATE!!


The use of certain foods can traditionally very limited or sometimes eliminate the infestation because they make the gut of the host for the parasite unpleasant. Among them are: garlic

leeks onions, both raw and cooked
pineapple combined with the meat. Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain fact that facilitating the digestion of meat reduces the chance of infestation. The food
garlic, as well as a decoction of garlic, can cause the complete elimination of parasites. Please note that after taking a "wormer" may be useful to administer a purgative, so as to eliminate the worms that are dead instead of being just a little 'stunned.
are also effective:
pumpkin seeds

cinnamon cloves curry

anise lemon peel the husk of the nuts


The bibliography on folk remedies is full of recipes, Just ask the board in a serious herbalist or better in a pharmacy department with herbal.

REFERENCES 1. Dr. Lawrence Bracco, a platter plate.
Tel 011-668.8992.
2. Hulda Regehr Clark The Cure for all diseases.
Macro Edizioni, Cesena (FOR). 0541.344820 Tel.
3. Claudio Viacava, Occult Blood - The cause of cancer and other diseases in the light of new scientific discoveries.
Macro Edizioni, Cesena (FOR). 0541.344820 Tel.
4. Scientific concepts of bioenergy.
Guna Editore, Milan, 1994.
5. R. Lencioni, Compendium of Electroacupuncture according to Voll.
Guna Editore, Milan, 1994.

Soon: The
neurotoxins: the parasite goes into the bathroom
Natural Cures and Nutrition
list of links to visit

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Girls' sexy with weights!

has long wanted to write this article devoted to women.
in the gym and 'difficult to see girls doing weights, as found in newsstand magazines that write any strategy of training and nutritional supplements for donne.In especially with this article I demonstrate the opposite of what the fairer sex has always thought, that is not to do weights WHY BECOME HUGE! .. oh .. my mom how much you're stubborn with weights! real girls?, come to us, we will illustrate some scheme to get training in a bikini with a body that will dry the envy of everyone, or rather, thighs, buttocks and abdomen as hard as marbles , but first it is only right you understand 'cause we'll never be big as men, and what role they sti blessed weights. One reason why we'll never be like men is given by the minimum production of testosterone produced by your adrenal glands, which is the equivalent of 0.4 ng / ml, in short, a gap which produces less than men on average 6ng / ml, and then see how you can not create muscle mass similar to those of men. Another important point relates to the benefits that the sudden increase in the metabolism of the basal metabolism, weight loss, toned muscles and cardiovascular system very efficient, combining all these points, the result will be a physical statue, and a perfect state of health.
Often when a newcomer arrives at the gym this happens: "Good evening I would like to coach a program to bring up the buttocks, to lose the belly, but mostly I do not want the shoulders and arms because I get big" (actually not I have never seen any girl do weights and get big, in contrast, more 'lean and cry on the buttocks with absolutely feminine in royalties!) So the best exercises to begin work on developing a good the legs are those that create a strong pressure on the muscles that squats and press at 45 °, with absolutely no inner thighs, outer thighs, buttocks leaps, etc ... are not very effective unless and until such work is carried out to increase lean body mass that only with the basic exercises can be obtained.

Find below a discrete program effectiveness:

I enter the press as an exercise squats consider too complex to explain, so for those who had not ever practiced is of good effectiveness of the press at 45 °

- Cardio fitness type exercise repetitions Series recovery
heating Cycling equipment or treadmill 10 '

- 1 year: 45 ° press / squat 3 8 / 6 / 4 (very heavy) 2'00 "
- 2 year: Dumbbell Lunges 3 12/15 (single leg) 1'30''
- 3 year: Leg extensions 3 12 1'00''
- 4 year: Leg curling 1'00''3 15/20
- 5 year: Calves standing or lifting points on the free body 1'00''3 20
- 6 year: Abdominals (crunches) 3 15/20 1'00''

the end-25min Cycling equipment or treadmill 10 '

the time allotted for this training and 35 , maximum 45 minutes, I highly recommend to increase the time of the treadmill at the end of the table up to 35.40 minutes, I'd say to this curious article 'all, for your curiosity', tips, and why no 'ideas about what to write in future articles you write on the blog or to my e email.non I wish you good work


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

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::: The muscle fibers (PART 2):::

- I sistemi energetici -

Sistema aerobico

One of the most popular sports centers in almost all seems to be the infamous aerobic work. In this system, the muscular tensions are very low, below 30% of the ceiling. energy substrates are supplied initially by carbs, after 30-40 minutes, mainly from fat. During muscular work the consumption and replenishment of oxygen is the almost in balance allowing a period of performance that goes over a minute to get a few hours, the system is carrying out long-distance runners.

anaerobic system alactacid

In this case the muscular tensions are very high and the work Intense may be extended only for about 8-10 seconds, the power is restored after spending about 3 minutes. This system depends on the energy storage CP (creatine phosphate) and does not require oxygen. In addition to the 8-10 seconds of maximum tension the fc (phosphocreatine) tends to run out so if you want to continue working in the body is forced to use another mechanism, namely the anaerobic lactate.

anaerobic lactate system

muscle tension is quite high and can be extended up to about 45 seconds.

After the initial effort, the contractile capacity is restored after about 3 hours, time of disposal of lactic acid, while specialists in athletes may fall below 8min.

In this system the high presence of lactic acid significantly limits the ability to continue training.

The biochemical reaction is very complex, I quote a small part The reaction part by phosphorylation of glycogen by the energy supplied by ATP during contraction, even in this mechanism is not the presence of oxygen .

schemino We carry a very easy to understand where they are described step by step reactions that occur in the muscles

acid the attic and its effects on muscle:

-speed reduction of glucose metabolism -pH reduction (to measure acidity and alkalinity) and the consequent difficulty of muscle contraction because of alteration of actomyosin bridges

Lactic acid and its fate :

-is converted into pyruvic acid- is metabolized through the liver to glycogen

For this I have concerns that the pH of the way of writing articles about the ph where we understand exactly what it means to be acidic and alkaline mode.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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Urban Decay eyeshadow in Narcotic

Today I talk about a new purchase which I am very satisfied and the new Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Narcotic color.

Yes, I admit, as much influenced the decision to buy this eyeshadow, but I must say that I am not at all wrong!

pigmented color and very beautiful, does not need to be wet because 'of his is already quite busy. Available in 12 colors and mat all contained in a very pretty box, similar in size of the known en Mac After trying this I mean getting more, and because 'no, collections ...

The price on Ebay is really negligible (less than 5 €) for 1.4 g of product as opposed to 1.5 for Mac

In reality 'I only had two products Urban Decay (guess which?)
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and a trio of colors called ASPHALT (I put my photo at the bottom)

Comunque il mio giudizio anche questa volta è Positivo e spero di esservi stata d'aiuto!

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Story Of The Cape Cod Bracelet

by valentina kejal

Finalmente dopo estenuanti ricerche li ho trovati!!! I pigmenti Valentina By kejal !!!
Su you tube e nei blog non si parla d'altro e come potevo io farmeli mancare?
Ho acquistato solo quattro colori perche' gli altri non mi convincevano alquanto...
Un bianco brillantinatissimissimo (me sbrilluccicoso least expect it to use as a base)
A gold also super brillocco
A fuchsia pink very very beautiful (and brilliant pigmentatissimo)
And my favorite ... a carbon black with a few sbrilluccichi.
And now my merciless review:
First of all the price! only two euro, and usually the low cost always reveal tricks of the great hoaxes' cause they do not write or are always different from what they imagined ...
colors, a wide range of colors and toothpicks superpigmentati that the first 5 minutes I hated it but now I like 'cause we can indeed make a fine line and better than any other well-defined brush!
Flask ... mixed blessing ... but nice to look uncomfortable in use! the brush is pulled up and whenever it releases a colored rhinestones OTTOMAN of flying that the clothes will go to sound and we remain with seafood such as mussels :-)
The amount 'of sbrilluccichi in light colors ... but I'm sure which are also colors a bit 'more' Mat.
Ultimately products promoted!
Maybe I'll have 'the scommunica by MAC ADDICTED but the quality' can be comparable to the expensive Mac Pigment all'irrisoria sale figure of 22 Euri ...
mica turf ...
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Welcome to my blog

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

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BENIGNI au journal en Suisse

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Frost over the World - Roberto Benigni - April 3, 2009 interview

In 1998 Roberto Benigni stole the show at the 71st Academy Awards when he clambered over chairs and climbed up onto the stage to collect his award. He is now in London performing a one-man show based on Dante's 'Divine Comedy'.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Systems Of The Body Are Affected By Malaria

::: The muscle fibers::: (Part One)

(edited by Angelo Benedetto)

is finally the moment for as long chest and that is dealing with a rgomenti a bit 'more complex.

In this article I will speak of the types of muscle fibers and their activation with anaerobic work namely of p esi.

Before analyzing the types of muscle fibers is where ro know king with the classic card 4x10 (method weider) activation of the total fiber muscle in many cases does not, and therefore to trigger this sti pier, the training should be short and intense, always remember to .

Besides being a great supporter of the method BIIO (short, intense, INFREQUENTE.ORGANIZZATO) I c imento in the study of other systems capable of increasing strength and hypertrophy and see if the science behind all of 'training there is always a hand in the short and intense.

nervous system: the system that produces the force and velocity 'is defined nervous system. The muscle contracts and produces motion as it is excited by a or stimulus that starts from the motor is transmitted through the brain and spinal cord, from here through arrives on the fibers or motor neuron muscle. Fibers m uscolari in turn are formed by thin fi laments called myofibrils which in turn count Ngono the functional unit of muscle: the sarcomere The sarcomere is made from thin protein filaments: actin and myosin. When the muscle fiber is achieved by stimulating a nerve filaments of actin and myosin react to form the so-called "cross-bridge" bridge actinomiosi nico

(click on ' image to display full screen):

When previously described, in brief, is the system that allows one to generate force in general. The possibility for an athlete to generate force and speed always p ver high depends on many factors, so we can summarize:

1 Fiber types muscle

Section 2 beam d rsa ell and fiber and

In muscle were classified two types of muscle fibers:

red fibers: more commonly known as slow fibers or tones that, also referred to as type I or English abbreviation Slow twitch fi Bres ST

white fibers: more commonly called phasic or fast fibers, or type II or fast twitch fibers English abbreviation FT.

type I fibers are so slow red fibers, characterized by aerobic metabolism, producing lower voltages for a very long period of time. Fibers are highly vascularized and very tired. The substrates used for ATP resynthesis are carbohydrates and lipids.

fibers of the type IIa fibers are intermediate type, the mixed anaerobic-aerobic metabolism, develop a medium voltage and medium mind vascularized.

type IIb fibers are fast fibers for excellence, develop very high voltages are poorly vascularized, have anaerobic metabolism, get tired quickly.

fibers hypo IIc the role of these fibers is still in doubt but is expected to be oriented by training.

In the scheme we can describe as' a muscle activation with a number of the barbell curl with a high load (dark purple area), you'll notice that the maximum re recruits muscle fibers occurs with a very heavy workout fact that short and intense type II fibers to be trigger a lot during the series with loads where the failure is achieved positive between the I ' 1 and 5 to repeat, type IIb fibers in the range 6-10 and type IIc fibers in the range 1-5.

Vista activation of fibers tipoIIb we can arrange a training system to stimulate hypertrophy in this range 6 / 10 reps without forgetting of course the power-generating cycles with a maximum of 6 reps a real pressure on IIb Eiichi.

Returning to describe the classic 4x10 workout you'll see how this system performs the neophyte. In the first series that will put a burden so that it reaches to 10 repetitions without accumulating too much effort in the second series will leave the same weight, increase in the third and fourth increase, this is absolutely useless because it means that in the first series I could do 10 repetitions easily stand to lose because 20.Quindi time when climbing a pyramid type 10/8/6 or 8/6/4 you can 'fatigue by far the muscular system?

All this still does not have a firm answer but I can assure you that the gurus of magazines like Flex and Muscle and Fitness, they are trying to mislead the athlete on proper training it can become true way of life, it inevitably when an athlete practice a form given by World Champion and Harry bloke to 99% more than two months after a fall during overtraining without understand what may have been the cause.

Angelo blessed

Personal trainer

Natural Body Building Coach

Email: @ angelo.benedetto79