Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Systems Of The Body Are Affected By Malaria

::: The muscle fibers::: (Part One)

(edited by Angelo Benedetto)

is finally the moment for as long chest and that is dealing with a rgomenti a bit 'more complex.

In this article I will speak of the types of muscle fibers and their activation with anaerobic work namely of p esi.

Before analyzing the types of muscle fibers is where ro know king with the classic card 4x10 (method weider) activation of the total fiber muscle in many cases does not, and therefore to trigger this sti pier, the training should be short and intense, always remember to .

Besides being a great supporter of the method BIIO (short, intense, INFREQUENTE.ORGANIZZATO) I c imento in the study of other systems capable of increasing strength and hypertrophy and see if the science behind all of 'training there is always a hand in the short and intense.

nervous system: the system that produces the force and velocity 'is defined nervous system. The muscle contracts and produces motion as it is excited by a or stimulus that starts from the motor is transmitted through the brain and spinal cord, from here through arrives on the fibers or motor neuron muscle. Fibers m uscolari in turn are formed by thin fi laments called myofibrils which in turn count Ngono the functional unit of muscle: the sarcomere The sarcomere is made from thin protein filaments: actin and myosin. When the muscle fiber is achieved by stimulating a nerve filaments of actin and myosin react to form the so-called "cross-bridge" bridge actinomiosi nico

(click on ' image to display full screen):

When previously described, in brief, is the system that allows one to generate force in general. The possibility for an athlete to generate force and speed always p ver high depends on many factors, so we can summarize:

1 Fiber types muscle

Section 2 beam d rsa ell and fiber and

In muscle were classified two types of muscle fibers:

red fibers: more commonly known as slow fibers or tones that, also referred to as type I or English abbreviation Slow twitch fi Bres ST

white fibers: more commonly called phasic or fast fibers, or type II or fast twitch fibers English abbreviation FT.

type I fibers are so slow red fibers, characterized by aerobic metabolism, producing lower voltages for a very long period of time. Fibers are highly vascularized and very tired. The substrates used for ATP resynthesis are carbohydrates and lipids.

fibers of the type IIa fibers are intermediate type, the mixed anaerobic-aerobic metabolism, develop a medium voltage and medium mind vascularized.

type IIb fibers are fast fibers for excellence, develop very high voltages are poorly vascularized, have anaerobic metabolism, get tired quickly.

fibers hypo IIc the role of these fibers is still in doubt but is expected to be oriented by training.

In the scheme we can describe as' a muscle activation with a number of the barbell curl with a high load (dark purple area), you'll notice that the maximum re recruits muscle fibers occurs with a very heavy workout fact that short and intense type II fibers to be trigger a lot during the series with loads where the failure is achieved positive between the I ' 1 and 5 to repeat, type IIb fibers in the range 6-10 and type IIc fibers in the range 1-5.

Vista activation of fibers tipoIIb we can arrange a training system to stimulate hypertrophy in this range 6 / 10 reps without forgetting of course the power-generating cycles with a maximum of 6 reps a real pressure on IIb Eiichi.

Returning to describe the classic 4x10 workout you'll see how this system performs the neophyte. In the first series that will put a burden so that it reaches to 10 repetitions without accumulating too much effort in the second series will leave the same weight, increase in the third and fourth increase, this is absolutely useless because it means that in the first series I could do 10 repetitions easily stand to lose because 20.Quindi time when climbing a pyramid type 10/8/6 or 8/6/4 you can 'fatigue by far the muscular system?

All this still does not have a firm answer but I can assure you that the gurus of magazines like Flex and Muscle and Fitness, they are trying to mislead the athlete on proper training it can become true way of life, it inevitably when an athlete practice a form given by World Champion and Harry bloke to 99% more than two months after a fall during overtraining without understand what may have been the cause.

Angelo blessed

Personal trainer

Natural Body Building Coach

Email: @ angelo.benedetto79


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