Saturday, March 28, 2009

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Enzo Biagi Roberto Benigni - the fact medley - Part 2 interview

Mature Brittish Women

Enzo Biagi Roberto Benigni - the fact medley - Part 1 Interview with Vincenzo Cerami

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Discounts

::::. .:::: The power of Phosphatidylserine

(ed. Angelo Benedetto)

related to the article above on increasing the compression by hypertrophied biceps training, training in the absence of oxygen, I would like to speak to the use of an important substance "stress", phosphatidylserine.

need to know in fact that testosterone, in this time of year (January / April), is low while cortisol tends to rise if our workouts at the gym is too long.

Before going further, we should remember that cortisol, criminalized by the body builder, it is essential to our life as it is an important anti-inflammatory and maintain stable levels of blood pressure, even some bodybuilders are blocking its production using endogenous anabolic steroids.

personally to my own athletes from January to April prefer to recommend shorter training system, based on strength and muscle hypertrophy. In this particular time of year it would be a work of demolition to the neuromuscular system as well as the athlete himself and osteoarticular.

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid contained in cell membranes of neurons (brain cells)

Taking phosphatidylserine that from now on I will call (PS) allows for a more powerful and efficient muscle and thus have greater endurance during workouts that can be very intense.

There are several studies conducted on subjects with a mean age of 64 years, demonstrating that this phospholipid is able to increase mental capacity, a study has shown that especially the PS is able to improve metrics in various memory tests such as recall of written texts, numbers or moving objects.

also significant increases in concentration in reading, conversazionee how to organize tasks.

What I want to focus on in this article, however, is taking this supplement in order to prevent muscle catabolism and thus promote anabolism.

bodybuilding In the DP seems better supplement because, thanks to his property to counter the action of cortisol can prevent the removal of valuable muscle protein.

Indications and Dosage:

Many supplements of this phospholipid can be found in pharmacies.

control of cortisol can be done in three ways: analysis of urine, saliva and blood test. The one with the saliva, however, appear to be the most practical and fast.

If you have a high value to be able to lower you have to take the maximum dose of 400mg or 2 bags per day, but if it is slightly outside the normal value from a sachet 400mg may be enough for a month of taking every day after that try again to take the test preferably fasting 8 / 12 hours and found if the value has stabilized

Angelo blessed

Personal trainer

Coach natural body building.

Email: @ angelo.benedetto79

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Japanese Rape On The Bus


When a friend tells us that goes to the gym as is the first thing you ask? I do see the biceps?

In fact, the biceps is the first "move" that comes naturally to do, because it is a muscle that we can easily show respect to the abdomen, hips and legs (not to think about the obscene move in to take down his pants). There are people who are genetically gifted and so very soon begin to train their biceps in the gym immediately take shape. Unfortunately this is not true of so-called "hard gainer", hard to grow, because without a good potential muscle.

The "Compression Training" or better training in the absence of oxygen muscle has been shown very valid when spacifici many studies have shown that by restricting the blood flow in different muscle groups, you can stimulate the GH (growth hormone) of 290% and in a totally "natural." I imagine your faces already stunned after reading this figure, rest assured it has no drawback if you read this article good.

How? Get two tourniquets, just finished your workout routine for biceps that normally do in the gym. Ask for help from a friend to tighten the straps around the arm at the top of the biceps and triceps, almost at the height of the deltoid. We do so in sconsigliovivamente bathroom, someone may call the Red Cross if nothing else, and I forbid you to apply in other parts of the body such as abdomen and neck if you want to continue to work out.

My recommendation is to be careful not to squeeze too hard can no longer move the limbs trained.
Just did wear a shirt with long sleeves "to avoid prying eyes" and start your training that will last 'at most 10minuti timed. Use slow movements and very light loads of 20% del/1rm (one repetition maximum), an example can 'be this:

cycle of 4 years:

× 20 3 - hammer curls with dumbbells and rest between sets to 30 seconds

3 × 20 - curl dumbbell bench press at 55 ° plyometrics

3 × 20 - reverse curl with palms down standing

3 × 20 - feet and arm dumbbell bench along the 90 ° aa

NB : - 30 seconds of rest between reps and the next
- 2 minutes rest between sets another

The lactic acid produced by the high number of repetitions will make you spill the blood in your biceps throughout the exercise. This amount of work for the biceps with the load that can allow many repetitions initials may seem a breeze but I can assure you that after I had tried hard biceps and pumped for many hours, not to mention the soreness (DOMS) Delayed Onset Muscular soreness or muscle pain, which persisted until 6giorni after that workout. The compression seems to be the winning road training for those who want huge arms and hard as a stone, and for those who want to continue the sport naturally without the use of anabolic steroids.

Now I only wish you good workout!



Be patient, good compression training will help Adarve that extra something that you have always desired.


Personal trainer

Natural Body Building Coach

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Installing Bmw Front Plate

to 10 years after the Oscar Night of "Life is Beautiful" part.2

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Interview with Vincenzo Cerami 10 years after the Oscar Night of "Life is Beautiful" part.1