A medicine directly from our body? Reiki Level 1 Course Urine = water healing .
emerges from the mists of time an ancient therapy . I'll tell you briefly about my experience:
suffer for years (a lot) of a major problem of the skin, which in the past two months, I also still being held from work, so much has been exacerbated.
I shot every specialist, analysis after analysis ... each from a possible diagnosis, but no one makes a definitive diagnosis.
One day a friend comes home talking about my problem and Moldovan, tells me that in his family for generations used in other "alternative" therapy and how effective he says, an infallible remedy
pee of adult man, taken in the morning!
said, since I'm more skeptical of St. Thomas, I have experienced.
What can I say? No therapy has never been far more effective!
daily diving and the skin heals and deflates! A
now is that I use urine therapy a week and it went away the infection that was enlarged on all arms to the shoulders.
A case? As they say at the end of the following article, or a reality?
My experience is direct and to me it is a reality, because it's working.
share with you the information we collect on the internet and everyone will make his idea and the most daring, will experience! Adapted from
L '
urine therapy is a practice of using urine to prevent or cure certain diseases, according to the different methodologies depending on the type of treatment to apply, but mainly through oral intake. The urine therapy, therefore, belongs to the genre of alternative therapies
much in vogue in recent years and is considered by some strong supporters naturopaths as a true panacea, a natural cure can cure all diseases, from simple problems affect up to much more serious as pneumonia or
Parkinson (classic
megalomania !). In ancient times this practice was hailed literally (there are historical texts in which is defined as "Fruit of Life," "Holy Water", "Heavenly Nectar") and, even today, the followers of this practice, consider the urine as a true elixir, asserting it is a distillation of the blood (urine is the product of blood filtration by the kidney function), a sort of quintessence of the highest physiological potential healthy. Despite these wide-ranging efficacy firm convictions dell'urinoterapia should be clear to all that
there is no real scientific evidence that can confirm the effects and that many of the theories on which it is based are hardly acceptable in science
Ultimately, the only use urine in the medical field means that the analysis is done for diagnostic purposes (urine test).
urine therapy in the history - dell'urinoterapia The origin seems to date back to some ancient rituals of the Hindu Tantric tradition, which was defined in
Amaroli . These practices were based on the fact that the urine leaking from the bodies involved in sex, could act, drinking it, as a powerful sexual energizer. However, there are many references in historical texts Greek, Roman and Etruscan confirming the use of this practice as a treatment for certain diseases. Among the best known nudist remember Galen and Hippocrates In ancient Greece, the writer Pliny (in his Natural History
advised the use of urine for bite wounds and skin diseases) and the Roman Diodorus Siculus (reported use of urine that some ancient people were for dental hygiene ...), but many more are the calls use dell'urinoterapia in history, the Etruscans until the people of the Middle Ages (peasants, wizards and witches), with an infinite number of texts in which alchemy is widely cited . Even in Asian cultures the assumption of his own urine was a common practice, especially among the Tibetan monks, some of which still maintain the tradition.
Composition Urine - To understand the principles on which the urine therapy must first specify what exactly is the liquid so acclaimed by its supporters. The urine is simply a liquid ranging in color from yellow to clear, depending on diet and physical condition of the body. Contains many molecules, mainly residual ammonia nitrogen in nature that give it its characteristic odor. It consists of 95% water and the remaining 5% of metabolic waste substances (proteins, enzymes, salts, hormones and vitamins in prevalence), arising from the work of filtering the blood by the kidneys. One such substance is urea, common nitrogenous waste resulting from the decomposition of proteins, but also play a role of uric acid, creatine and hundreds of other components quantitatively less, but according to some, with strong therapeutic potential. To give some examples, the uric acid would affect the free radicals, regulating the aging process, the urokinase facilitate the dissolution of blood clots present in veins and arteries, creatinine possesses antibacterial properties, while the urea would be a strong anti-inflammatory .
principles dell'urinoterapia - The concept underlying this alternative practice is that the urine must never be regarded as a product waste, but rather a kind of distillation of the blood, a liquid composed of molecules selected highly effective for the treatment of the body (of course conventional medicine considers ludicrous this position). According to the proponents
dell'urinoterapia, our body is comparable to a laboratory specializing in the production of natural medicines and essential for life, regardless of the urine, in addition to the therapeutic properties, has the advantage of being naturally produced, and above all cost zero, a factor of no small importance in the perennial struggle with traditional medicine. The urine contains fact antibiotics, minerals, vitamins and antibodies capable of promoting the welfare of their body. Dell'urinoterapia Another cardinal principle is that human beings are conceived and developed within the placenta, consisting mainly of urine and therefore argue that drinking their own urine to normalize and strengthen your immune system. The urine would also benefit the skin, is to make smooth, velvety and stretchy to heal wounds, burns or animal bites. Ultimately urine therapy would act on any type of disturbance, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, but the important thing is that you always use their own urine.
chapped skin? Just a piss! Hi, I follow you for years now and I want to tell my experience with urine therapy. When I was a child my hands crack and bleed very often so that my mother made me put on the wounds a glycerin-based cream. Healed in a few days. Once this problem but when I was presented to me by my grandparents in the countryside and failing to provide the cream my grandmother forced me, despite my reluctance to wash the hands in my urine before going to sleep. To my surprise the day after my hands had no sign, and since then I wondered what the hell that liquid contained in one night to produce the effect of a cream which was then bought at the pharmacy (I I'm 50 years old) produced in several days. In short, my experience tells me that perhaps there is some truth nell'urinoterapia but it certainly has not been discovered in recent years (my grandmother was in 1895 and knew the effects) of the site and you're a bit 'too superficial to deny any utility. Maybe because I have tried literally "on my skin," but for me it is undeniable that at least for external use has positive effects. The question is, you always stay the same opinion? G. Obviously we are of the same opinion. For all that we tell the site for years on
LOGIC and the need not to be superficial in its conclusions, perhaps too optimistic.
do not know if you know for example
But if or the 'effect
time (coincidence) ol'
effect result. If not, calmly re-read the articles by clicking on the references. In particular
your experience can be trivially result of chance. Not everything happens at once is bound by a relation of cause and effect. If I have a headache and you do a strange dance to chase away the spirits and the headache disappears, it seems logical that you optimistically I attribute the disappearance of the headache to your dance?? Or is it wiser to investigate to see if it works for other dance? And you think that if the urine had miraculous effects on the cracking of hands, would not have appeared in newspaper articles, etc. not everyone would use it.? Instead, it is not. It does not take long to realize that your grandmother's belief was certainly tempted by others, but as the urine nothing to do with the healing of cracks, the attempt failed and word of mouth has stopped.
Interesting links on the topic:
acne and psoriasis: Fight ZERO COST
Healing - Miracles of Urine Therapy
Keep you, there is another infinity, just type urine therapy
PS :
Experience is the only science Thanks