Saturday, December 18, 2010

Point And Shoot With Fastest Shutter Speed

... ... medicine of the third millennium? Mozart Therapy


Dear friends, it is worthwhile to read what is and what is this spectacular mineral.
stupeffacente I've tested successfully on many aspects! Currently, I continue to take all the day in the form of tablets that solve the problem of taste, why is ingested with water, rather than dissolved in the bottle.
E 'harmless little

Costa E' effective
After reading the link, I suggest you try it!
very interesting links on antacid therapy against cancer
good wishes to those who Bisignano and wishes of health to those who long wants to prevent.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Is Shoe Size J10



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marine Corp Wrestling Singlet

Mézières Mézières method and psycho-physical relationship

body work is work on the psyche. This equation, though still little regarded in some medical circles, is now widely accepted because of the experience therapeutic doctors, psychologists and rehabilitation, supported and confirmed by a growing number of scientific studies on the subject.
Working with Mézières method and osteopathy is not uncommon for the therapist to be in front of emotional states which show a deep involvement in the psychic connection with myofascial stretching, postures and manipulations.
Psychologist W. Reich and the California School of Big Sur were among the first to show how attitudes, postures and proper "armor" muscle, crystallized as the experience of the patient and, consequently, working on the body could access this lived out in a more effective than oral therapy alone. For
therapist Mézières method is certainly interesting to go into that because the solution of functional and postural problems, many times, involves a significant psychological aspect.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Maytag Pye/2300 Parts

Back pain: a new test for a more targeted therapy

Mézières method can do much in the case of low back pain and disc problems. The approach is not easy, especially if the latter, but the approach that has left Fracoise Mézières to physical therapy, can operate efficiently again.

But I want to focus in this article on a new battery of tests, codified in the U.S., which has proved highly reliable and inexpensive, and can be a valuable aid to physicians and therapists.

Read All

Monday, November 22, 2010

Horizontal Fence Wholesaler

subacromial impingement syndrome. Mézières validity of the method in sub-acute phase.

subacromial impingement syndrome is a painful syndrome that covers the shoulder caused by repetitive motion (sports, work), trauma or muscle imbalances and posture. Are implicated in the muscles of the rotator cuff and biceps. Often there is an obvious loss of rhythm shoulder joint coordinating finely abduction of the humerus.

In the conservative treatment of secondary conflicts (not due to morphological abnormalities) and during sub-acute, the use of Mézières method is very effective to achieve the primary objectives of rehabilitation.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Acro Yoga Phoenix, Az

will never cease to amaze me the close connection between the body uomano and everything that surrounds him, as the sum of an infinite number of shapes to create a unique expression of wholeness and harmony.
I thought of a new post for the blog and keep me company, I put a CD of Mozart ... I immediately started shivering ... so here's an article on musicoterpia reproduced from the website:
http : / / / subliminal / parsifal.htm

The Mozart Effect second "Parsifal"
(The sublime music of Mozart to resolve the psychological distress and psychosomatic disorders )

The method Tomatis can resolve anxiety, depression, stuttering, dyslexia, fear, insomnia and other disorders.
Enzo Califano

The Tomatis Method is a therapy designed by a French otolaryngologist doctor, Alfred Tomatis , which emphasized the relationship between the ear and various body functions, such such language. The method devised by Dr. audiopsicofonologico . Tomatis states that when the ear is not listening so you have optimal impact on the entire body. Through this therapeutic methodology, using a machine known as "electronic ear ", which filters the music of Mozart , you make the higher frequencies that the ear goes to "recharge" the cerebral cortex. The ear, in fact, has the task of bringing energy to our brain, like a dynamo that charges the car battery. This energy intake is driven almost entirely by higher frequencies, these frequencies are transformed into nerve impulses at the level of the cochlea hair cells (cells of Corti), causing a potentiation of cortical activity, which is transformed into awareness, concentration, memory and desire, and after therapy is an awakening of consciousness and vitality. Also part of the inner ear called the "organ of balance" has been monitoring all the muscles of the body, which is why a healthy energizing "acts on the body voltage on any contraction or relaxation of muscle tone and posture so on. Looking at the parasympathetic nervous system, we can also understand why the high frequency positive effect in various psychosomatic diseases. The vagus nerve (parasympathetic) nerve through the headset part of the eardrum and the vague, sometimes called "nerve of anxiety, suffering from any situation of stress or conflict and react against specific disorders causing the equipment or innervated organs (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, etc.).. The high frequency leads to a tension of the eardrum produced by adjusting the hammer and stirrup muscles (muscles of the chest of the eardrum). The eardrum stretched to the maximum, provides a good balance vegetative. Thanks to all you can organize vague harmoniously or unbalanced: in the latter case somatization appear different: fear, anxiety, anguish. An ear Closed loosens the muscles of the hammer shall not seek more than the muscles of the bracket, so the eardrum loose in a sweeping motion excites the ear branch of the vagus, with response through vegetative means. The microginnastica ear allows the person to stretch his eardrum: thus the excitation of the vagus ceases and relaxation occurs overall.
The first phase of therapy is represented by listening tests, the diagnostic time, which is done through an audiometer through which sound signals are sent to the subject. Following the received data are drawn plane curves of listening and hearing bone. Depending on the test and an interview, the specialist customize the program to listen. The listening test of mental and physical appearance of an image of the subject. The base
Music Tomatis method is the music of Mozart which is rich in high frequencies and is not tiring. They are also used to a lesser extent Gregorian chants, which bring into line the respiratory and cardiac rhythms.
The sound program aims to follow the patient an ideal listening progression, similar to what would develop from the moment of conception, the quality of his play and therefore communication with the environment are the result of everything that is not "smoothly" from that point onwards.

Lateralization to avoid the long way

"must be left to the right-wing" is what is stated and repeated Tomatis, to support research of the individual that right-wing not only in the hand or foot, but also during the hearing, in the word. Impulses from the brain to affect the development of a sound level of the larynx, through which communication occurs. At this level there is an asymmetry: the right enjoys a semi laryngeal recurrent nerve motor (branch of the vagus) more Short of that left, so the time of neural impulses is different. The right ear is therefore closer to the phonatory organs and the brain to the left, the right brain has a function of control and integration, the left is a performer. It is therefore important that the information is received right ear, as if II is instead left to receive it, will be the right brain to carry out the execution and therefore can not adequately deal with the control. Col
training is gradually lateralized to the right, in this way, listening, moving from left to right, results in an improvement of brain performance and overall harmonization of the subject. If laterizzazione is a choice of the individual because some choose the more difficult? The choice, which is unconscious, is linked to the development of the language of the subject, the small town with her mother and already at the stage of babbling there still distinctive ears, following the child "meets" the father is the vector of language socialization should aim to understand the right ear. While the relationship between father and child are not good, it is likely to hold out his left ear to keep the party from a distance.

The electronic ear

The audiopsicofonologia using electronic ear is a device that consists of an amplifier, filter and a game of electronic scales. The electronic ear changes the sound message by offering two possible channels to the headset, the first channel energizes the muscles of the hammer and the stirrup; II causes dilution of the second channel, this will cause a movement of tension and relaxation of muscles of the middle ear, and then a microginnastìca .

The Tomatis method is an innovative method that can be solved in a satisfactory manner, various psychological and psychosomatic disorders. However, it is also very effective in learning problems, lack of concentration and is also help to children and adolescents with school difficulties. Thanks to the energy that makes the ear to the brain, the thinking is very activity and hence the creative powers are extended.

Other special applications:

Educators : teacher to parent, improving their well-being, communicates in a more satisfying and productive.

Managers : need high quality, both physically and mentally, they need to have a nervous car agile, fast and flawless. A bark that causes aging processes mental sclerotizzino, memory decline as well as concentration. The energy carried by the potentiation of cortical activity with the use of the Tomatis method determines force of energy, creativity, stress elimination and expansion of consciousness.

Teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis possible, with the Tomatis method, restrict or extend at will the "bandwidth" or bandwidth of specific selectivity which is responsible for more or less optimal learning a language, for example the 'French ear is between 1000 and 2000 while the Italian Herz between 2000 and 4000 Hertz. With the electronic ear, you can unlock your ear and create receptivity that is missing.

Musicians and singers: to sing or play an instrument is important to listen to themselves or with the sound produced by the instrument, in order to control them better, an improvement of hearing by a person enables to have a greater mastery of his voice or instrument.
from the same site another interesting article:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cat Has Clearmucus Comming Fromanus But

A medicine directly from our body? Reiki Level 1 Course

Urine = water healing

emerges from the mists of time an ancient therapy
I'll tell you briefly about my experience:
suffer for years (a lot) of a major problem of the skin, which in the past two months, I also still being held from work, so much has been exacerbated.
I shot every specialist, analysis after analysis ... each from a possible diagnosis, but no one makes a definitive diagnosis.
One day a friend comes home talking about my problem and Moldovan, tells me that in his family for generations used in other "alternative" therapy and how effective he says, an infallible remedy pee of adult man, taken in the morning!
said, since I'm more skeptical of St. Thomas, I have experienced.
What can I say? No therapy has never been far more effective!
daily diving and the skin heals and deflates! A
now is that I use urine therapy a week and it went away the infection that was enlarged on all arms to the shoulders.

A case? As they say at the end of the following article, or a reality?
My experience is direct and to me it is a reality, because it's working.

share with you the information we collect on the internet and everyone will make his idea and the most daring, will experience! Adapted from

L ' urine therapy is a practice of using urine to prevent or cure certain diseases, according to the different methodologies depending on the type of treatment to apply, but mainly through oral intake. The urine therapy, therefore, belongs to the genre of alternative therapies much in vogue in recent years and is considered by some strong supporters naturopaths as a true panacea, a natural cure can cure all diseases, from simple problems affect up to much more serious as pneumonia or Parkinson (classic megalomania !). In ancient times this practice was hailed literally (there are historical texts in which is defined as "Fruit of Life," "Holy Water", "Heavenly Nectar") and, even today, the followers of this practice, consider the urine as a true elixir, asserting it is a distillation of the blood (urine is the product of blood filtration by the kidney function), a sort of quintessence of the highest physiological potential healthy. Despite these wide-ranging efficacy firm convictions dell'urinoterapia should be clear to all that

there is no real scientific evidence that can confirm the effects and that many of the theories on which it is based are hardly acceptable in science

Ultimately, the only use urine in the medical field means that the analysis is done for diagnostic purposes (urine test).
urine therapy in the history - dell'urinoterapia The origin seems to date back to some ancient rituals of the Hindu Tantric tradition, which was defined in Amaroli . These practices were based on the fact that the urine leaking from the bodies involved in sex, could act, drinking it, as a powerful sexual energizer. However, there are many references in historical texts Greek, Roman and Etruscan confirming the use of this practice as a treatment for certain diseases. Among the best known nudist remember Galen and Hippocrates In ancient Greece, the writer Pliny (in his Natural History advised the use of urine for bite wounds and skin diseases) and the Roman Diodorus Siculus (reported use of urine that some ancient people were for dental hygiene ...), but many more are the calls use dell'urinoterapia in history, the Etruscans until the people of the Middle Ages (peasants, wizards and witches), with an infinite number of texts in which alchemy is widely cited . Even in Asian cultures the assumption of his own urine was a common practice, especially among the Tibetan monks, some of which still maintain the tradition.
Composition Urine - To understand the principles on which the urine therapy must first specify what exactly is the liquid so acclaimed by its supporters. The urine is simply a liquid ranging in color from yellow to clear, depending on diet and physical condition of the body. Contains many molecules, mainly residual ammonia nitrogen in nature that give it its characteristic odor. It consists of 95% water and the remaining 5% of metabolic waste substances (proteins, enzymes, salts, hormones and vitamins in prevalence), arising from the work of filtering the blood by the kidneys. One such substance is urea, common nitrogenous waste resulting from the decomposition of proteins, but also play a role of uric acid, creatine and hundreds of other components quantitatively less, but according to some, with strong therapeutic potential. To give some examples, the uric acid would affect the free radicals, regulating the aging process, the urokinase facilitate the dissolution of blood clots present in veins and arteries, creatinine possesses antibacterial properties, while the urea would be a strong anti-inflammatory .
principles dell'urinoterapia - The concept underlying this alternative practice is that the urine must never be regarded as a product waste, but rather a kind of distillation of the blood, a liquid composed of molecules selected highly effective for the treatment of the body (of course conventional medicine considers ludicrous this position). According to the proponents
dell'urinoterapia, our body is comparable to a laboratory specializing in the production of natural medicines and essential for life, regardless of the urine, in addition to the therapeutic properties, has the advantage of being naturally produced, and above all cost zero, a factor of no small importance in the perennial struggle with traditional medicine. The urine contains fact antibiotics, minerals, vitamins and antibodies capable of promoting the welfare of their body. Dell'urinoterapia Another cardinal principle is that human beings are conceived and developed within the placenta, consisting mainly of urine and therefore argue that drinking their own urine to normalize and strengthen your immune system. The urine would also benefit the skin, is to make smooth, velvety and stretchy to heal wounds, burns or animal bites. Ultimately urine therapy would act on any type of disturbance, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, but the important thing is that you always use their own urine.


chapped skin? Just a piss!

Hi, I follow you for years now and I want to tell my experience with urine therapy. When I was a child my hands crack and bleed very often so that my mother made me put on the wounds a glycerin-based cream. Healed in a few days. Once this problem but when I was presented to me by my grandparents in the countryside and failing to provide the cream my grandmother forced me, despite my reluctance to wash the hands in my urine before going to sleep. To my surprise the day after my hands had no sign, and since then I wondered what the hell that liquid contained in one night to produce the effect of a cream which was then bought at the pharmacy (I I'm 50 years old) produced in several days. In short, my experience tells me that perhaps there is some truth nell'urinoterapia but it certainly has not been discovered in recent years (my grandmother was in 1895 and knew the effects) of the site and you're a bit 'too superficial to deny any utility. Maybe because I have tried literally "on my skin," but for me it is undeniable that at least for external use has positive effects. The question is, you always stay the same opinion? G.

Obviously we are of the same opinion. For all that we tell the site for years on LOGIC and the need not to be superficial in its conclusions, perhaps too optimistic.
do not know if you know for example But if or the 'effect time (coincidence) ol' effect result. If not, calmly re-read the articles by clicking on the references. In particular
your experience can be trivially result of chance. Not everything happens at once is bound by a relation of cause and effect. If I have a headache and you do a strange dance to chase away the spirits and the headache disappears, it seems logical that you optimistically I attribute the disappearance of the headache to your dance?? Or is it wiser to investigate to see if it works for other dance? And you think that if the urine had miraculous effects on the cracking of hands, would not have appeared in newspaper articles, etc. not everyone would use it.? Instead, it is not. It does not take long to realize that your grandmother's belief was certainly tempted by others, but as the urine nothing to do with the healing of cracks, the attempt failed and word of mouth has stopped.

Interesting links on the topic:

acne and psoriasis: Fight ZERO COST

science gear and lying global

Topic: Urine therapy - Psoriasis 90% better.

Urine therapy for psoriasis

Healing - Miracles of Urine Therapy

Keep you, there is another infinity, just type urine therapy

PS :
Experience is the only science


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nyc Diriver's License Temp. Visitor Expire

Level 1
Osho Neo Reiki - Method Vessella
Saturday, October 9 13:30
Sunday, October 10 8:30
Reiki is an ancient Tibetan healing method that dates back to around 2500 years ago. It was a healing technique known to the priests, gurus, shamans who jealously guarded the secret, so jealous that eventually it sank into oblivion, until Dr. Usui in 1800, taught in a small Christian university in Kyoto, Japan , found the key to activating the reiki, hidden in ancient Sanskrit writings dating back precisely to 2500 years ago.

what Reiki is, very succinctly:
  • Self-treatment - it's like to have a first aid box always at mano.Ad example if you have a stomach ache or headache, there is much helped put their hands or even disappear dolore.In hear the case of wounds to heal quickly
  • skin treatment to other people: Trat. Fast and Trat. Full
  • treatment to animals
  • Treatment of medicines, food, water, etc. ... to clean from toxic side effects

Course Reiki Method and Vessella
Which link?
Based on his thirty years of experience, not only in the field of manipulation, but also in the trial of Energy, Joseph Vessella has occurred, that if there is an energy block of a certain size (blocks with physical and / or emotional) Reiki alone is not sufficient to resolve the problem. We need to work in synergy with the techniques aimed at "cleansing" the body and then use Reiki, and that is what takes place in seminars at the Centre REIKI Vessella.

Energy Techniques lead us to rediscover the "body language" needed to make contact, rather than with the energy that surrounds us, to become aware of our energy.
techniques are even more effective if the person is "immersed" in the exercises, rather than making it a workout, that is to say let go of any natural movement and emotion that surface, because "Body and mind are not separate"

After the course is 1 st or 2 nd Level, you get a chance every month to participate in a field with energy techniques, manipulation, Reiki, to share and experience the "language" of energy.
Reiki, integrated with the handling, and energy techniques, ensures the highest levels of healing, unless you do not need surgery.

In light of this, Reiki treatments integrated with the techniques and manipulations carried out according to the method GIUSEPPE Vessella, represent a new face in personal healing to 360 ° Man.

Link for more more:
Reiki explained by Albert Einstein
Reiki in Italian hospitals
are dispozione for information.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Glucosamine And Ligaments

Mézières, osteoarthritis and chondroitin

Mezieres The method is an excellent standard of adjuvant therapy in the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis. This is true both in cases of early manifestation, as is the case in sports, both in the elderly. The benefits are often immediate and obvious: In fact, the reduction of mechanical stress in the joints and the harmonization of muscle-fascial chains, results in more efficient work by the musculoskeletal system, which thus reduces the stress and the resulting cartilage wear.

said, it is interesting to examine the use of a supplement that has become popular in recent years and is regularly prescribed in the medical field.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

M I Paste Decalcification

dall'idiozia How to defend man ...

"Luigi De Marchi Cancer and Spa" - Essay by Marcello Pamio therapies and invasive tumors invented

I received an email with the link above, I believe is absolutely in bed to put some healthy questioning of the famous phrase "No one heals anyone, everyone heals itself" in the sense not to let anyone cloud noffink and your instincts, you come before anything.

PS My father is one of the many victims of chemotherapy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blue Lines Inner Thigh

5 minutes to smile

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How Long Does Mayonnaise Last Unopened

Massage School: Registration opens


Operator Holistic




The school aims to train professionals in the field of massage, manipulation and acupressure with the breath, acting techniques in psychosomatic and emotional on the body, mind and consciousness. Based on thirty years of experience of its founder, Joseph Vessella, allows the school to become qualified therapists but also offers the real possibility of heal itself, a necessary condition to interact and relate, in harmony with others, in therapy or in any other field of life.

relate, feel, see, learn its language and the body massage, respect, grow, transform, share and experience the spirit of life ... these are the practical subjects that you learn in this school ... a school of vitaaa! Here
born talent, unique individuals, not personality.
You may discover that the therapists to be more qualified or skilled in prorpio work, whatever it is.

Sharing is an important step in any weather. Everyone is free to ask questions and listen to the experiences of others.
The days of school are working on a succession of sull'laltro ... and if a technique and a massage.
If energy levels are "clean" not "dirty" who will be in our hands.

Students are constantly monitored by founder Joseph Vessella and three instructors during his days as a support and counsel, all other days of the month.

Mode school

Venue of the school

Center Vessella (Ciampino)

school took 18 months:

At the end of 6 months will be awarded the diploma:


At the end of 18 months will be issued diplomas:

Art of Handling

" Everyone is responsible for himself.

In this school the only rule is respect.

In life it is the responsibility that makes us

conscientious individuals.

If an individual is responsible

needs no rules "

Joseph Vessella

image ** Link School

** Link official website of the Centre Vessella

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bogen 3221 Tripod Reviews

trochanteric intake: the help of Mézières Method

The trochanteric or trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the tendons and the bag adjacent to the greater trochanter, a bony prominence located outside of the femur, just below the hip.

It is characterized by pain at the side of the area indicated (see figure), standing out clearly from the hip joint pain that is localized mainly in the groin instead.

affects mainly the female and the cause has not been completely clarified. In athletes may certainly contribute to the small trauma of repeated flexion-extension of the hip. Even a excessive muscle tension TFL , placed on the greater trochanter and straddling the bag serosa, may be involved in bringing mechanical irritation on the spot.

L to normal therapy is represented primarily by rest , associated with anti-inflammatory and cryotherapy (ice). If you do not get long-lasting remission of the disorder can be used to treat and possibly cortisone infiltrative physical therapy as a local shock waves.

It 'll work is not clear, however, that physiologically linked to abnormal stresses in the joint hip joint and adjacent ones, is the primary cause that led to the trochanteric, it is shown to imprint a chinestiterapia postural balance using the method Mézières. This approach allows you to limit the use of drugs, not to resort to physical therapy, often ineffective, and solve the problem successfully.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

F.arcade Electronic Bowlercade

Carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy and Mézières Method

Mézières The method is also aid in carpal tunnel syndrome. N on it only works on the wrist, but on the muscle-fascial chain that part of the whole arm from the shoulder and does come into play the muscles of the shoulder, chest and even those breathing. It is thus at the root of the problem, not just treating the symptom.

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common neuropathy and is due to compression of the median nerve at the wrist in its passage through the carpal tunnel.

The incidence of the syndrome Carpal Tunnel is about three times higher in women aged between 50 and 60 years, and varies according to place of work.

Usually without treatment or change of employment, the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome tends to worsen over the years. However, in some patients remains stable over time.

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) may be conservative or surgical. According to the American Academy of Neurology (AAN, 1993), conservative treatment is if there are not groped deficiency of strength or sensation or severe abnormalities examined EMG / ENG

The use of drugs and / or physical therapy has proven instrumental not conclusive because it can have significant side effects and in any case we do not act on the cause of the problem.

The results obtained with the Mézières are often important, with a reduction / remission of pain within a few sessions and return to daily activities and work. personally endorse the practice Mézières successfully massage myofascial deep enhancing the therapeutic effect.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Can Acai Berry Cause Bloody Noses

ankle sprain: an integrated approach to osteopathy + Mézières method for a total cure

It 's a major trauma but strongly underestimated.
Who makes sport and want to move back now tend to pay more attention, but does not always know what to do.
The risk of recurrence becomes so high, both in athletes than in sedentary people.
E ' implement good immediately RICE protocol:
- R = rest, do not walk on the distortion;
- I = ice, or ice. To be applied immediately and repeatedly for 15 min. in the first 24 hours;
- C = compress the ankle with a bandage or elastic
- E = elevation, or keep the leg up.

As soon as the ankle tends to deflate you opt for an osteopathic treatment can rebalance the joint games of the foot, fibula, leg and pelvis. This phase is essential, if in fact there are still imbalances and joint blocks is easy to meet adattementi relapse or non-functional, based on the principle of "muscle-fascial chains" to link areas of the body too distant connection between them.
Later Mézières intervention will be highly suitable. U na distortion in fact, as seen, implements trauma chain that will produce an imbalance of the postural system, causing many problems if not properly harmonized.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take For A Bird Broken Leg

Syndrome patellar hyper-pressure ( patellar squinting): effectiveness of the method and Dance

Mézières The method can be of great help.

It 'important to emphasize that orthopedists are also this opinion, as reviewed in site that arises in the web as a reference date in orthopedics.
In particular, once it is established that is not in the presence of a malformation of the patella, the trochlea or even a torn ligament, in which cases surgery may be indicated, the operation, especially in arthroscopy seems to have little meaning.
The treatment of physical therapy with muscle strengthening vastus medialis, generally recommended practice, according to orthopedic is insufficient and in some cases may aggravate the situation, to the opposite of Mézières method which presents itself as an elective instead in the treatment of patellar symptoms of strabismus.
This argument goes to to vvalorare my experience as a therapist and opens a new and updated interpretation the problem in a way that allows it to operate more effectively than what has been done to date.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Free Fart Fantasy Stacey Fields

Mézières Method Mézières

in dance injuries result from trauma, such as a sprained ankle, or improper techniques repeated over the years.
After the acute phase of the problem seems solved and the dancer will return to dance.
This is due to the dynamic compensation, which is based on the mechanism analgesic and a priori on the concept of muscle chains, both introduced by the great French physiotherapist Francoise Mezieres.
The body immobilizes the traumatized region and the lack of obvious features of a given muscle-joint district with all'iperfunzionalità other adjoining space on each floor.
From the initially affected area, the problems will migrate away, until all the compensation will come to a dead end and will collapse the system, the body will not be able to adapt.
My vision of the dancer is global, not just focused on the symptoms of trauma. We must also act on the causes, clean / realign the musculoskeletal system-fascial and enable intelligent relearning of new posture on the part of nerve receptors.
why I am a servant of Osteopathic manual therapy and half and is very effective: the Postural Mézières Method.

Allergic Reaction For Waxing

Hallux valgus: the solution Mézières

The causes of hallux valgus are not clear. Reasoning seems to contribute to order genetic concerns especially the female population.
This problem, if addressed at an early stage or not advanced, it can be controlled to avoid future surgeries.
The solution consists of postural exercises and education to the problem.
will try to explain better: while the hallux valgus is set up for the other muscles that control your toes should not be seen separately from those of the leg and even the hips, they are in fact part of a series of "muscle chains" which run along the legs to the head and that may encourage the valgus when unbalanced. In addition the use
heels and tight shoes is added to make the situation worse. Personally I used
gymnastics Mézières obtaining clear results in the control of the hallux valgus and remission of pain and inflammation locally.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chocolate-amaretto Cupcake Recipe

Course Level 1 Osho Neo Reiki Method Vessella "

Next course: 10 and 11 April 2010
Saturday at 13.30 and Sunday 8.30 am
Reiki is an ancient Tibetan healing method that dates back to around 2500 years ago. It was a healing technique known to the priests, gurus, shamans who jealously guarded the secret, so jealous that eventually it sank into oblivion, until Dr. Usui in 1800, taught in a small Christian university in Kyoto, Japan , found the key to activating the reiki, hidden in ancient Sanskrit writings dating back precisely to 2500 years ago.

what Reiki is, very succinctly:
  • Self-treatment - is how to have a first aid box always at mano.Ad example if you have a stomach ache or headache, there is much helped put their hands or even disappear dolore.In hear the case of wounds, to heal the skin faster
  • Treatment other people: Trat. Fast and Trat. Full
  • treatment to animals
  • Treatment of medicines, food, water, etc. ... to clean from toxic side effects

Course Reiki Method and Vessella
Which link?
Based on his thirty years of experience, not only in the field of manipulation, but also in the trial of Energy, Joseph Vessella has verified, that if there is an energy block of a certain size (blocks with physical and / or emotional) Reiki alone is not sufficient to resolve the problem. We need to work in synergy with the techniques aimed at "cleansing" the body and then use Reiki, and that is what takes place in seminars at the Centre REIKI Vessella.

Energy Techniques lead us to rediscover the "body language" needed to make contact, rather than with the energy that surrounds us, to become aware of our energy.
techniques are even more effective if the person is "immersed" in the exercises, rather than making it a workout, that is to say let go of any natural movement and emotion to the surface, because "Body and mind are separated "

After the course is 1 st or 2 nd Level, you get a chance every month to participate in a field with energy techniques, manipulation, Reiki, to share and experience the" language "of the energy .
Reiki, integrated with the handling, and energy techniques, ensures the highest levels of healing, unless you do not need surgery.

In light of this, Reiki treatments integrated with the techniques and manipulations carried out in accordance Method of JOSEPH Vessella, represent a new face in personal healing to 360 ° Man.

Link Read more:
Reiki explained by Einstein
Reiki in Italian hospitals

are dispozione for information.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sample Of Letter Of Recommendation For Culinary



We live in an era when modern medicine has continually amazed at people new evidence of its possibilities and capabilities that are truly wonderful. At the same time are felt increasingly the voices of those expressing their utter distrust of modern medicine that seems to be able to do almost anything.
becomes increasingly high number of those who have more confidence to the methods, some very ancient, natural medicine and homeopathy and in respect of the methods of our highly scientific medicine.
Criticism of medicine are numerous: side effects, enforced disappearance of symptoms, lack of humanity and soaring costs.
However, much more interesting object of criticism is the fact that this criticism is there and it flows very often almost irrationally, by the widespread feeling that something more wires as it should and that the path taken does not lead to the goal that was hoped for. This medicine
discomfort is felt by many people, including many young doctors. And now some see salvation in the socialization of medicine, other drugs in the replacement of chemicals with other natural, made from herbs, others expect the solution to all problems from the study of terrestrial radiation, others swear by homeopathy, and others on ' acupuncture and ayurvedic medicine on the other.
These unconventional methods of therapy, in short, begin to consider the man ... The
and natural medicine, psychology and sociology compete with each other in seeking the real causes of the symptoms disease and healing in the chase through the elimination of the same.
Everything is taken into consideration as a possible cause of disease. Some people try these cases in pollution, in those events of early childhood trauma and who have had a negative conditions in the workplace.
The dominant paradigm in medicine over the past three hundred years was thus one of the pathogenesis, a term which is composed of two Greek words: Pathein = suffering and genesis = origin, so we went looking for the origin of suffering, focusing on the cause of the disease.
Medicine that, in the foreground, addresses only the question of how the disease arises and how it can be avoided by eliminating the causal factors, it loses sight of the urgent need to invest on a real concept of health.
The great epoch-making business is based only on health, the only valuable asset that a man wants at all costs, yet not pursue to the full, even became an artisan to produce those conditions that favor the disease.
People are confused ...!
What could be the way to pursue? What is now the real need of man, especially man sick?
Without denying the progress made by medicine, we want to underline that the processes identified by the medical materials are not only the true causes of the disease.
On the one hand we see a dramatic development of medicine at the technical level, on the other patients are increasingly numerous. Sickness and health to become the individual and for society more and more important problems, whose solution is more difficult.
In many books that have accompanied my journey of reading, like Yogi Ramacharaka, a need inherent in man to regain possession of the body and health, before we can proceed to higher levels of knowledge. This theme, found hidden in the rare texts that deal with the so-called end of the disease on Earth, becomes dominant in the thought of Atkinson / Ramacharaka to the point that, in 1906, collected in a single text - The Healing psychic - all the techniques of healing that was learned.
theories so far made by the medicine are not adequate to the concept of illness and recovery.
There is an indispensable relationship between illness and religion, between medicine and religion that is already the time of Hippocrates.
Our modern scientific medicine dates back to Hippocrates (400 BC), who came from the famous milkweed, which over the centuries created in Greece, places of care (ascepei), where the priests ministered to the sick with magic rituals and songs. Hippocrates, who cared a lot about its origin, however, broke with this tradition, that is, with his priestly medicine, and began to treat the disease regardless of from any religious implications, as the facts and develop a separate treatment appropriate to the course of evil. He laid the foundation for the methodologies implemented by medical science today. This medicine
the time of Hippocrates has not changed much, it was not very developed, has made progress in some areas and setbacks in others. Before the intervention of Hippocrates treat it was for the priestly class, and religion.
The disease was an expression of God's wrath and was healed by the priest who led the patient to repentance and thus reconciled with God the posting of this tradition from Hippocrates also represents a departure from the "medical condition" and an approach the disease per se.
Today, medicine is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and totally neglects the problem of "medical condition".
A man is not a disease and, unfortunately, medicine is not concerned with human illness, but only of his disease and its symptoms. The successes of medicine often does not reach the "pathological condition" of humanity. It is striking that in medicine we talk exclusively to combat the disease.
Nobody can understand an enemy and learn to really know him until the "war" against him. In
metamedicina, pain, discomfort ol'affezione are considered dell'incrinarsi signs of harmony in the body and, in a dimension that goes beyond the physical symptom, you need to read messages from the body and search for information that are harbingers. The symptoms that appear in a person are the warning signs that indicate that something is wrong. Each symptom
fact repressed forces man to report the disease on a different level ... When you advertise a symptom, the doctor collapses and pretends to be a successful therapy. The result is the paradox that the statistical success of medicine is based solely on the fact that you can not really heal.
We are facing a shift of symptoms, and a strong specialization now in place, the patient wanders from one specialist to another.
What is the disease? What meaning is inherent in the healing process?
In his treatise on medicine, HANS BLUHER writes: "The disease is a good of humanity, and the mass of the sick who are in the world remains the same and, moreover, no human intervention can make some changes. When a doctor cures a disease, does not eliminate the disease from a piece of the world, in the same way that the fire does not destroy matter, but this person takes his share of individual pathology and without knowing the backs of another ".
E 'out of the question that our medical supplies in many cases a real help, in situations of need that must be accepted with gratitude. Medical therapy is appropriate and beneficial when intervention is necessary, but it has nothing to do with genuine healing.
Healing in fact almost always means holy and therefore a dimension unknown to medical science. Healing means to take the information in the disease. The disease is a passive learning, which aims to familiarize the person a reality not yet accepted. These are the bearers of information, therefore there is no disease without meaning. They show us where we left our orbit, put a period to errors, force us to ask questions. The error is lack of knowledge, so every mistake is pending its transmutation, as well as the winter hides itself in the summer and prepare the night the day, so every mistake leads hidden within them the truth and it is our germ free this task light.
This logic is the same that Christ taught us, life can be reached only through the death and "who has not learned to die, can not learn to live."
The first and most important step for the sick is to get in harmony with the disease, in say yes. The great enemy of man is death, and this is trying to win it, but all efforts aimed at preventing defeat a better understanding of life.
When a society has forgotten how to have a proper relationship with his own destiny and did not want to take responsibility for the sickness, fed itself as a medicine that we have today.
The man now lives in a state of confusion at various levels, but it lost even more to the experience of suffering and death.
Man knows not to be immortal and this is his limit. The thought of death, marks the time of the transience of life. If it takes an understanding of the condition of human being, man can redeem his thoughts of death to a life of thought and energy that he may jump afford to live on a more supernatural and deified, mending the covenant with God, constantly interrupted by his megalomania.
The road that runs through the man in life is one that leads to "If" which is a symbol of wholeness, which is already present from the beginning. The man's journey leads him to confront the polarity, and the purpose of this journey is to overcome the polarity. The man through a comparison with the material must learn to understand the polarity. The principle of polarity states that everything is dual, everything has its pair of opposites.
The famous Taoist philosophical system based on the interaction of polarity opposing yin and yang, brings us to the concept of polarity that explains many paradoxes with which each of us is constantly confronted.
Opposites are complementary ends meet, every truth is only half true, every coin has two sides, everything is relative. Each opposite exists only because there is also another, and each needs the other, which in itself in power. This principle leads us to make airtight learn a lot about ourselves and life, especially if we apply it to plans, mental, emotional, social and relational.
It 's impossible for humans to imagine a unit outside the poles, his conscience underlies the two.
So there is more and less, the 'man and woman, day and night, good and bad, health and illness, life death, suffering and pleasure. These pairs of concepts we call them opposites, and we're used to ask, in specific instances of life, the alternative (oo). We constantly strive to create pairs of concepts. One thing is big or small, bright or dark, good or bad and we believe that these opposites exclude one another, but this is where we make mistakes. The reality is
drive, but it appears to human consciousness only in terms of polarity. We see the unity always and only as two aspects that together make a unit, and in their lives are dependent on each other.
The experience of fundamental human polarities is the breath. The rhythm is the basic model to suit your life. If you destroy the rhythm of life is destroyed. The pace is always two poles, and thus is not an "oo" but an "ee". Those who refuse to breathe, can not breathe, and vice versa. If next to a pole the other disappears. One produces the other pole. As long as the man asks for something or against something destroys unity.
Man is for sickness and health, but health and illness, and that polarity condition one another and live in one another. Health can only stem from the disease. Each goal can be reached only through the polar opposite, and not directly, as most people try unsuccessfully to do.
Healing is recovered as a priestly act that takes place beyond the material ...
The man usually goes into the fear of suffering, sick and dying. To take away this thought keeps himself busy with many things, running, without knowing, without seeing. Only suffering, sickness and death and stop this senseless frantic race. In this state recognizes its limits, asking for help to those who can give and maybe "The One" that had been ignored since then. Feels he has a soul, recognizes a new perception of his existence that expands and transcends the boundaries of the subject, beyond the conditioning of "time" becoming an integral part of the cosmos. E 'in this condition we have to be healed, to be without disease, was no longer a prisoner of fear, of being a free man.
The disease always puts his finger on the smallness and helplessness of man, allows him to acknowledge their limits, offering a great opportunity to free themselves from worldly things to turn our gaze to God!
Very often, just a pain in teeth, lumbago, flu or a bout of diarrhea for turn a bright winner in a poor worm. This is precisely the aspect that we hate most in the disease.
worldwide as a result has already been said is willing to make great efforts to eliminate the disease. Neither preventive medicine, or healthy living, the various methods to prevent diseases have prospects of success, without the knowledge that healing is always linked to an expansion of consciousness and a process of maturation.
For this to happen, man must learn what he has to tell him the disease. The patient must look within itself and enter into communication with their symptoms, if it is to recognize and accept the message.
E 'acceptance the great teaching of Jesus Christ ...
acceptance of others, of suffering, sickness and death.
The death of Jesus Christ was spectacular, would not have had much effect if it had occurred in a bed.
The crucifixion is the authentic expression of the message that man must acquire.
Suffering Jesus himself leads to a terrible failure, so that looking up to heaven calls his Father saying: "Why have you forsaken me?" At that moment, Jesus is no comfort, only the face of death.
Even knowing that the son of God, suffering as every man lives, the pain does not rebel, does not invoke any grace, accepting as the only chance to see life from birth by his own suffering and death. That acceptance is not a passive act, lived with resentment and anger at the injustice that is inflicted, but an act of love for humanity, full of forgiveness ...
disease-suffering is the experience that leads a person to experience the Love, and Life ....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Frist Time Audition Onvidio Free

Caresses are good

The nerves of touch
as the impulse is transmitted

The discovery of a group of neuroscientists led by Francis McGlone British company Unilever, in collaboration with the Swedish University of Gothenburg and the University of North Carolina, USA.

Now neuroscientists have discovered what is behind the mysterious power of a caress, studying the nervous reactions of a group of volunteers, scientists have found the C-tactile nerves , a special group of nerve fibers placed on body parts that we used to swipe or give us pat and allow the brain to feel pleasure, full of affection and petting.

C fibers are in fact important, to mediate the emotional relationship between mother-child or partner, but also explain why we really like taking care of us, perhaps with a massage, or stretching the skin a moisturizing lotion after showering.

Researchers have touched the skin of the forearm of volunteers with different touch gradually speed and found the new group of nerve fibers, suggesting that these are activated only when it runs to touch the skin a speed as to be perceived as pleasant. The optimal speed of the strokes is 4-5 centimeters per second.

Very important dividing line between us and the world, the skin is covered with innervation of various types that allow the body to feel what is outside ourselves and to protect themselves from danger. Fundamental and much studied by neuroscientists, the fibers are receiving painful stimuli: it is thanks to them, for example, we know immediately retract his hand from a hot body burned. But there is only pain, even affection, tested on our skin, is crucial. not for nothing that already use our chimp cousins \u200b\u200b'fondling' together to 'cleanse' the hair. No coincidence that we are hours massage and affection of a mother for his newborn also depends on the stroking of the body.

Not only that, neuroscientists have found that the "eye of 'Mother Nature'," absolute respect for the rules Darwinian evolution, has ordered these fibers not on the whole body, but only on parts suitable to receive caresses : it is unthinkable that such fibers are tactile pleasure in the palm of the hand because this would lead to more 'distracted' and not be able to carry out its important tasks to grasp, move, move.

fibers tactile pleasure, therefore, are only where they are needed and where they do not create interference perceptual .

It is essential not only because the median of the affection which is heavy caresses, but also why you need to 'entice' the care of ourselves .

The discovery of these fibers in fact casts a fascinating light on why we spend so much time taking care of our bodies with massages, lotions and creams to be spread on the skin. Apart from the undoubted physical benefit, the truth is that we feel pleasure from this action.

(internet source) Thanks