One of the most important exercises body building is definitely the squat, it is in fact regarded as the king of the existing exercises for the legs.
keep getting emails guys who ask me why squats would cause back pain.
I open a small parenthesis to explain some things that definitely are not entirely clear and that will appeal to few. Sometimes I wonder if we really sure that the bodybuilders are aware of the kinesiology of the squat. I would have big doubts about this matter of fact these pompatori (let's call them) they never do squats because they are afraid of the eccentric exercise, ie the descent that could possibly cause him serious injury to the spine, and therefore continue to denigrate discredit one of the largest exercises of body building.
Dopoaver put the facts straight on this little diatribe, I proceed with the description of the squat.
Which muscles are trained with the squat?
squats train all leg muscles, those in the front and the rear, the front is the quadriceps, which is formed by the vastus medialis, large intermediate vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, while the the back are located the hamstring and buttocks, the latter appear to be the most powerful muscle group in the human body.
How are you running?
Place the barbell on the trapezius in the power rack (the famous safety cage). Make sure to install safety devices to avoid being crushed to the ground at this point you have to spread the legs a bit 'over the shoulders, back, must take a position hyperlordosis light and from this moment begins the eccentric phase will be the first movement where you arrive with your thighs at 90 degrees parallel to the ground and back performing the concentric phase to return to the starting point. completed all the repetitions with the thighs parallel to the ground we will have a total and not partial activation of the gluteus maximus which is the most powerful engine of the human body.
What happens in hormone levels?
Scientific studies show that a work of high intensity in the lower body, leads to an increase of the main hormones responsible for increasing hypertrophy, strength and lipolytic activation, unfortunate that the bodybuilders agonists can not enjoy this blow anabolic nature has given us, in fact, to shorten the times and ensure that their muscles increase so sudden, these substances are injected to solve all the problems of muscle growth.
The true natural anabolic.
One of the true promoters of natural testosterone and GH seems be just squats at 20 reps in rest-breaks.
This exercise athlete to intermediate / advanced, can be classified as one of the years of greatest importance to the hypertrophic stimulus, in fact for those of you who have tried the hard work without ever leaving the bar on the trapezius have noticed that the day after there is an increase in libido with irresistible urge to "woman" in short, I have understood.
How do.
To perform this exercise, you need the assistance of a companion and without a doubt the safety of the equipment power rack should not be missed.
Put on a weight that enables you to make a maximum of 10 repetitions, place the barbell on trapezes and just started ready to unleash your adrenaline! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 just arrived to take 10 shots to stop the bar on the trapezius and legs in isometric view (not pumping), breathe deeply and slowly as the weight that compresses the rib cage does not allow you a good expansion, after which you go along, there may be others also a repetition of 2.3, you can stop whenever you want, your goal is to reach 20 repetitions.
Just turned 20 rounds you will be so full of lactic acid which in the worst case will go to the bathroom to regurgitate a little, at best for 10 minutes after the squat will not understand anything of what happened.
Before concluding, we should remember all of you that this exercise should be performed under the guidance of an instructor able to figure out if the weight are using is less than or equal to 75% of your maximum (1RM), that said I wish you a good job!
Angelo blessed
Personal trainer
Natural Body Building Coach
Email: @ angelo.benedetto79
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