Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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.:: The qualities of Green Tea::.

(edited by Angelo Benedetto)

green tea, commonly sold in health food stores and supermarkets, is a drink with some very interesting properties, because it contains antioxidants, substances that play a very effective action against the formation of free radicals, and has beneficial effects on metabolism, as it increases lipolysis and therefore the mobilization and disposal of fat in our body.

Among the many benefits of this drink, you can not forget the powerful effect it exerts on the immune system, in fact, those who 'use of this beverage seems to be more resistant to the disease influenza.

Another interesting feature is the fact that green tea prevents the development of too high blood sugar peaks (and therefore dell'ingrassante hormone insulin), by inhibiting the enzyme amylase that liberates glycides, rich substances starches. This action, together with those thermogenic and its caffeine content is' is that this drink can be a good remedy for people who want to lose weight, but be careful, as in all cases where it touches the topic weight loss , it is imperative to remember that green tea is a great way to help weight loss, but not the final solution.

To have an 'excellent result from' the drink, I recommend taking green tea several times during the day, as in the morning and mid-afternoon because they are the best moments. The assumption is rather not recommended for the evening, especially before going to sleep, because "risk of counting sheep all night" to his modest caffeine content.

For all questions relating to supplements, body building, please leave your comments by registering on this blog, I'll reply as soon as possible .

Angelo blessed

Personal trainer

Natural Body Building Coach

Email: @ angelo.benedetto79


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